Ordering seeds, what does guaranteed shipping actually mean?


Well-Known Member
If my seeds come back missing in an empty envelope and i had guaranteed shipping will they "whoever that is" resend the order or did i just lose out on $100+?


Well-Known Member
From experiences by close friends, you simply contact the sellers (assuming they're reputable enough to leave a number or email) and they'll send you another order of your babies. However, shipping takes time, so be patient. But, people often get their stuff and still say that it got snagged by customs or whatever, and screw over the bean company for their own gain. Not cool because this drives prices up.


Well-Known Member
I'm only familiar with Attitude and here's how it works with them -- they have a shipping option called "stealth". Costs about $10 US extra. With stealth shipping Attitude will re-ship your order for free if the original order is lost or confiscated. It's happened to me twice over the years and they have been great!

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
At herbies i use the no stealth option, still comes in a dvd case and padded envelole, stealth enough for Uk. I dont think they refund if customs bust them but they are legal here so no customs worries here either.