Ordering Suppilies? Questions need answers please


I have been taking all the precautions I know of to cover my tracks and make sure that my small personal grow will be hard to trace to me.

Most of my construction material including lights fans and growing containers can be bought locally. As far as I know there are no available hydro shops in my area. I will need good nutriants (and I am sure I will realize more stuff too) from somewhere and so I will need to outsource to online companies including possibly ebay.

Even though what I intend to order is in no way illegal should I be cautious? Obviously I will never place multiple or large orders from one place. But should I be concerned about where I ship to?

Thanks for the advice. :clap:


Well-Known Member
For nutrients? No. It's the beginning of May, how many hundred of thousands of people are doing the same thing right now?


Active Member
you're fine. maybe have a CLOSE friend get it to their house or something. but honestly, theres no need to cover tracks for a small op. their lookin for the big fish and a lot more people grow weed than you think! ebay is a good idea but use someone that sells a lot of hydro stuff so u dont get some crap nutrients.