organic(dry) fertilizers vs mineral(liquid) fertilizers indoors


Active Member
New here and love it so far so here's another topic i've been thinking about. I started growing with soil and organic fertilizers. It's the only way i've ever done it. BUT the challenges are very real in a greenhouse setting, and it is always months of babysitting. I'm going indoors this winter, so considering changing my approach for that.

I have friends(most that grow actually) that only use chem fertilizers fed through lines whether in a gh or indoors. They spray harsh ass shit I won't mention that makes bugs not even want to come close. This can effectively make it automated, with little worries of infestation and great confidence in getting an optimal harvest. I really don't like their weed though, It all kinda ends up tasting/smelling like the chems no matter how flushed they are. I don't think you can eliminate all traces of it. Don't get me wrong, it's top shelf. It is some of the prettiest weed and most consumers wouldn't know any better, but it tastes "fake" to me.
I do want good yields without sacrificing my goals, so i'm considering mineral fertilizers. Anybody out there that has grown with chems and gone to mineral based with comparable yields? How about vs dry amendments indoors?
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Could the harsh flavors be from the insecticide spray? I don’t know from experience ( I have very little ) it seems like the most likely thing to leave a taste behind just from reading your post. You could omit that and go for what you usually use for bugs.
Could the harsh flavors be from the insecticide spray? I don’t know from experience ( I have very little ) it seems like the most likely thing to leave a taste behind just from reading your post. You could omit that and go for what you usually use for bugs.
No, it's the same smell/taste as those types of fertilizers. Pretty much anything you feed your plants is going to impart something. You are what you eat.
Most sprays are done before flower so shouldn't really effect the profile.
In organic farming(GH), sprays are used and more often if actually needed. The difference is using soap, citric acid, beneficial bacterias VS potent insecticides, lots that are illegal.

My ambitions are probably not going to be popular, since most people these days are running automated hydro systems.
No, it's the same smell/taste as those types of fertilizers. Pretty much anything you feed your plants is going to impart something. You are what you eat.
Most sprays are done before flower so shouldn't really effect the profile.
In organic farming(GH), sprays are used and more often if actually needed. The difference is using soap, citric acid, beneficial bacterias VS potent insecticides, lots that are illegal.

My ambitions are probably not going to be popular, since most people these days are running automated hydro systems.
Jacks 321
steer clear of those harsh and posibly poisanous insectacides,there not designed to be smoked, yes its probably that making it taste harsh, but it could be any number of things
I agree with total avoidance of anything non organic or even in question.

In regards to your question........The first issue I see is your " BUT the challenges are very real in a greenhouse setting, and it is always months of babysitting." It should not be with a balanced working system. And if it is a chore or work to you? You will never reach your goals. Make realistic goals for your space and medium. Proper air flow and spacing will prevent most common issues.

As to the fert aspect I can tell you that I am growing in amended soil/ coco blend. I just water except if need or pushing during veg. And water soluble organics then. I feed every other watering with another water soluble during flower."OOPS". I use the same soil and nutes indoors, outdoors and in ground. In a greenhouse and open yard. Get your basics right and it easy. And you need a passion.

Best wishes. Hope this helps. 008.jpg
Jacks 321
I'll check it!
I agree with total avoidance of anything non organic or even in question.

In regards to your question........The first issue I see is your " BUT the challenges are very real in a greenhouse setting, and it is always months of babysitting." It should not be with a balanced working system. And if it is a chore or work to you? You will never reach your goals. Make realistic goals for your space and medium. Proper air flow and spacing will prevent most common issues.

As to the fert aspect I can tell you that I am growing in amended soil/ coco blend. I just water except if need or pushing during veg. And water soluble organics then. I feed every other watering with another water soluble during flower."OOPS". I use the same soil and nutes indoors, outdoors and in ground. In a greenhouse and open yard. Get your basics right and it easy. And you need a passion.

Best wishes. Hope this helps. View attachment 4740210
I just mean the challenges are very apparent in a GH compared to conventional methods where you can set a timer, controller, spray some shit, and walk away. I typically produce more than my needs in my GH. I'm passionate to a fault. Not a chore, just heartbreaking when the entire 6 month grow fails for the first time ever and during a pandemic when things are extra tight. I have 800-1000 annual crops in addition to my tiny cannabis garden. I can go more in depth on how specifically I inhibited my own grow this past season, but it was a ONE OFF and not for lack of effort or passion. I am pretty opposed to using TLO methods indoors(GH has a foundation), I think it's a great way to bring in bad biology so balancing in a traditional sense is out.
I am looking a coco, but also still considering soil.
Bud looks great!
steer clear of those harsh and posibly poisanous insectacides,there not designed to be smoked, yes its probably that making it taste harsh, but it could be any number of things
Yeah it seems so weird when I walk into a room, and leaving the door open isnt even a concern because the sprays are so ultra-effective