Organic grow log 3rd grow!


Active Member
So this is almost week 2 after i started seed germination, been in soil for about a week and a half. Using 2, 300 wat CFL for the start dont no if ill need more? I ghetto rigged a box covered it with mylar from an emergancy blanket i got at wal all light is reflected in that tent,..... ALL ORGANIC. as always

these are my suplies
Worm casting in the plastic bag....
3-11-0 bone meal for flowering
10-3-0 Bat guano
0-0-1 seaweed

These are the babies...I thought both strains would be grape ape...I once got an O of grape ape from a friend and the O had a good anmount of seeds in it...i got around 5 seeds from an O...However these seeds come from another one of my friends who also got from the same suplier, but i think he got seeds in more than just the grape ape bcuz both these sprouts look entirily diff....My last grow was grape ape but it was a male...It was for sure grape ape cuz when i killed the male all the leaves turned purple even the stem and it stunk of PURP...The one with the long leaves is grape ape, however the other i have no idea for now?003.jpg004.jpg

this is my grow box 001.jpg005.jpg002.jpg



Well-Known Member
what do you mean, 300 watt cfl? if they made those HID's wouldn't exist

you won't get anything past a seedling with two CFL's, but otherwise you're on the right track


Active Member
Thanx for the reply! sry let me clear it up
Its 65 watt erquivilant to 300 watt and

i grew my last plant with just one of those 300 w cfls and grow 2 feet 10 nodes, but was a male. Vegged it for 40 days and made a small 2by2 mylar box for it. So i could use as much of the light as i can... Also im trying to uuse as little elctricity as i it is possible to get more than a seedling from one of these lights however i do want to grow it faster and better...anything u recamend 572.jpg570.jpg


New Member
yes equivalent br0 i got 125watts cfl ;pPpPpPpP iz equivalent moar than yer equivalent liek yeh


Well-Known Member
don't let the equivalency crap on the box fool you. sure the visible light is equivalent to a 60 watt or 120 something watt or whatever. but the real watts are what you're concerned about. your plants feel 65 watts, not 300.

but that's a pretty tanked up CFL. you'll get buds from those but they'll be pretty airy. if you add a few more of those, two plants should do okay. especially if you trap the light in well with mylar or something else reflective that isn't tinfoil


Active Member
^ Kool tyvm! i am deff planning on getting a 400 w hps for the flowering stage, and just use these for veggie period only...I deff should get 2 more tho, ur right about that...thanx man!


Well-Known Member
^ Kool tyvm! i am deff planning on getting a 400 w hps for the flowering stage, and just use these for veggie period only...I deff should get 2 more tho, ur right about that...thanx man!
a 400w hps is your own personal sun. enjoy watchin' the grass grow =)


Active Member
UPDATE: 2 Days after first pics.
I added 1/4 a tblsp of Gauno to the top soil, and covered up the top with a little bit more soil. Added some leaves i cut off a male plant to the soil, for decomposition nutrition. I just watered the babies with a 1/4th strong solution of Neptunes seaweed mix to feed the soil, and add a few growth harmones to the plant...Getting the baby ready for a nutrional diet!

The brown pot baby (Grape Ape) has a slight mutation on its first set of fan leaves..Instead of h aving 3 it has 4....The white pot baby (unknown strain) has an interesting leaf structure...Tiny and stubby and the leaves seem to grow under the middle leaf lol...U can see in pic 3....Ill post in the next few days to show u guys how the feeding and watering went !


Active Member
UPDATE 4 DAYS: Afrter first pics
Just watered, doing great after feeding...deeding after next watering...Nice and low to the ground, 3 nodes now!



Active Member
Update: 6 Days from first pics

So its been 6 days since i posted pics of the sprouting and now there just starting to beast up.. Just made the 5th node on the grape ape, working on the 5th node on the unknown strain .Just fed it 1/2 strong Guano tea, and a little extra water. Have been feeding a pretty big meal. But soon im hopping i could add in some Blood meal to the Gauno....Wat else can i add to the guano. I already use seaweed, i might get some mollases anything else????. also my plant is only about 4-5 inches tall is on its 5th node, am i growing it to close to the ground??...Any help PLZ!???



Active Member
Update: 8 Days from first pics!

Looking great just gave them water, and been misting the room a lot, they have been going thru a little heat stress because i have no fan for now...I might have givin the unknown strain a little too much gauno becuase iot seemed a little burnt today. I have also been folar feeding them the sea weed
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Well-Known Member
if you have a small PC fan and old cell phone adapter hook em up in there just to get some air movement going, this will help deliver available CO2 to your plants and ool them off a bit. if you dont have a PC fan maybe a local PC repair place will have a cheap used one around somewhere. and everyone has a cell phone adapter kicking around if you dont im sure one of your friends does. try and match the voltage on fan to the output voltage on adapter i.e 12v adapter for a 12v fan

grow looks good + rep


Active Member
if you have a small PC fan and old cell phone adapter hook em up in there just to get some air movement going, this will help deliver available CO2 to your plants and ool them off a bit. if you dont have a PC fan maybe a local PC repair place will have a cheap used one around somewhere. and everyone has a cell phone adapter kicking around if you dont im sure one of your friends does. try and match the voltage on fan to the output voltage on adapter i.e 12v adapter for a 12v fan

grow looks good + rep
Tyvm for the info, its winter and i cant find a fan anywere so ill look tomorow at a pc store! and thanx for the reps man...means a lot for a little time grower


Well-Known Member
ask the guys at the repair part of the PC store if they have any used fans lying around alot of times you can score a couple of free used fans that work just fine, they may not be the best or the quietest (usually why a working fan gets replaced is because it is loud) but they do the trick and hey if the free ones dont meet your desires then go buy one :)


I am running the exact setup matthebrute is describing. Also you can use any power adapter AC->DC that outputs 12V, I am using an adapter from old linksys router. It outputs 12V 1Amp, so I can theoretically hook 5 PC fans (average about .2Amp per fan). Also the good source of PC fans is old PC power supplies, every PSU usually carries at least one fan.


Well-Known Member
just be carefull messing around in them power supplies the capacitors they hold can give you enough of a shock to blow a new hole in ya!!

power supplies are nice but bulky.

i am also using a old lynksys router adapter to run my fans was just trying to generalize as i dont know who i am talking to and what kind of prior knowledge they have so its best to keep things simple and most everyone can visualize a cell phone charger :)


So true, sometimes is very hard to explain even "simple" things to not tech people (not implying that OP is or is not). But one thing I found out, that the cell phone market moved to 5V. adapters lately :(