Organic material compost question


Well-Known Member
So I have a 55 galling drum full of random fruits vegetables been sitting sealed for a year or two now ik it’s anaerobic but what can should I do with it compost it and till into garden next season maybe?
open that puppy up and see if it's all blackish looking. If it is then it has already composted.

Anaerobic composting is the method of composting without introducing oxygen, which means the breakdown of the organic materials takes much longer and produces little heat.
Have had a compost pile since a little kid but it was in a pile and not in a container. A process so simple that is so beneficial as a soil amendment. My pile is full of all kinds of creepy crawlies such as worms, centipedes, millipedes, sow bugs, earwigs, and many other insects that I am unable to identify. All of my organic waste go into this pile including branches and leaves and the wonderful bugs break it down into rich fertile compost which I spread over the garden. I am a Luddite as am the only one I know that has a compost pile.
open that puppy up and see if it's all blackish looking. If it is then it has already composted.

Anaerobic composting is the method of composting without introducing oxygen, which means the breakdown of the organic materials takes much longer and produces little heat.
its not completely composted im guessing still recognizable things lmao
but its full of only juices from the compost components smells rip asf i opened it and stirred a little
Have had a compost pile since a little kid but it was in a pile and not in a container. A process so simple that is so beneficial as a soil amendment. My pile is full of all kinds of creepy crawlies such as worms, centipedes, millipedes, sow bugs, earwigs, and many other insects that I am unable to identify. All of my organic waste go into this pile including branches and leaves and the wonderful bugs break it down into rich fertile compost which I spread over the garden. I am a Luddite as am the only one I know that has a compost pile.
imma make a pile this year but it was started by an elder ik im growing with
Make a tap hole in The bottom get The juice out if you can stir around in it add Bokashi or spray LAB in and mixe it good close it leave it for about a month , then mixer it with your soil or coco with abit more bokashi , infact when mixing soil in add all nutrients that you want to add let it cook for 2-4weeks plant , when I use Bokassa bran composting goes fast ,
The worms love the stuff , i’l post some pic 2morrow
First picture is greens and leftovers in a bucket after 6weeks put in 2”lays with bokashi bran in between, second picture is after another 4weeks with all nutrients, looks like black gold , I can’t find and veggie stocks only few alfalfa stocks, good way to recycle your soil too , the pictures are the wrong way here , finished soil is first ,


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If you're going to make a regular old compost pile in your yard anyway, I would just mix those old ass fruit scraps into the pile. That stuff will bring tons of worms and make your compost extra dank.

I would mix up the greens and browns and let the pile heat up, and once it cools off add the fruit.
Make a tap hole in The bottom get The juice out if you can stir around in it add Bokashi or spray LAB in and mixe it good close it leave it for about a month , then mixer it with your soil or coco with abit more bokashi , infact when mixing soil in add all nutrients that you want to add let it cook for 2-4weeks plant , when I use Bokassa bran composting goes fast ,
The worms love the stuff , i’l post some pic 2morrow
You could probably drink The Juice would be Some killer wine lol
If you're going to make a regular old compost pile in your yard anyway, I would just mix those old ass fruit scraps into the pile. That stuff will bring tons of worms and make your compost extra dank.

I would mix up the greens and browns and let the pile heat up, and once it cools off add the fruit.

Doing that will attract rodents, I know , remember you got bread and other food in there too you can use two 5g buckets and make a good drainage pipe/tap and use the juice for your outdoor garden or indoor plants , I use it when brewing compost tea
If you're going to make a regular old compost pile in your yard anyway, I would just mix those old ass fruit scraps into the pile. That stuff will bring tons of worms and make your compost extra dank.

I would mix up the greens and browns and let the pile heat up, and once it cools off add the fruit.
Their is no separating it lmao imma take the compost and some manure after this grow and till it into my garden bed and let it sit all winter. I would have to cover it with leaves or something huh