hello fellow growers, i´m looking info about Oscillating Electric Solenoid Pump´s, generally how noisy they can be compared to diaphragm pump´s and are they more reliable in use, they certainly are cheaper as as range of 50-60$ a piece as these diaphragm pump´s can be up to 180-300$ data sheets says that these Oscillating Pump´s are made for spraying applications but not for 24/7 operation or as they but extended periods of use.
now if you have use them on action and seen regular diaphragm pumps in use, which are better.
my shurflo pump has failed three times on my tag and it´s time to look other options, could this be the one.
it certainly is so cheap that i could buy three of them at start for bad pump day insurance.
now if you have use them on action and seen regular diaphragm pumps in use, which are better.
my shurflo pump has failed three times on my tag and it´s time to look other options, could this be the one.
it certainly is so cheap that i could buy three of them at start for bad pump day insurance.