OT: How many plants would you grow without a licence?


Well-Known Member
If Harper want's to throw thousands of people in jail for 6 plants and over, he better start to build lots of jails, seeing he just closed a bunch.
He is, they are behind a whole bunch of new mega prisons! Don't think they won't lock you up, they will. Harper is trying to be like USA and make prisons private and for-profit. If that happens we are in big trouble...

Also I agree that the liberals are lying pieces of shit just desperate to get back in. Obama said he was pro-weed and he retreated immediately after he won! These fucks are all the same...


Active Member
If I could jump in a little late here and get the thread back on track: It is very hard to serve jail time for growing in Can. One of the few things that will net you some time is growing in a 'school zone'. I think it's something like a 8-10 block radius around schools. It also depends on what province. For example in BC nearly all grow ops with a suspected plant count worth 500k and under is almost always dealt with by the 'Grow Busters' unit. They don't even arrest, they just wait till your not home then go in and bust up your shit.
In Manitoba however, you could in theory get small jail time for 5-15 plants and serious jail time for 50-100 plants.
Ontario and Quebec are pretty chill. Similar to BC. Quebec for sure is lax.
Not sure about Alberta or the other provinces but I would guess that the far east coast is pretty relaxed as well.