Other People's Character

As I dwell in the mental state gained by smoking the herb, I observe many different aspects about the human character. It has come to my attention that there are several people out in the world that utterly lack the individual character that I assumed every single human attained at birth. Before, my thoughts on the human character was that every person lives their own life, gaining different experience, which in a sense gave everyone an individual take on living on our planet. However, recent sessions have made me come to realize that there are several people that I see on a daily basis that really lack the fundamental character that makes us unique. Even when I sober up, these poignant aspects stick out when I converse with said people.

Example 1: A little while back, there was a session with multiple people there. All together there were two females and five males. Two blunts were lit, while the first one, which was rolled by the host, went into circulation among all seven people. The second one however, was a spiff rolled by yours truly. It was smoked mostly by me, but one other girl was also trying to look tough and smoke what no other would smoke. The crowd of people were very anti-tobacco and essentially a spiff is a blunt mixed with a little bit of tobacco and mostly the herb. Anyways, back to the point, I had no problem sharing the spiff with the girl. She took a few tiny tokes and handed it to me more than not. As I toked on my creation, I became more elated and talkative. My mind slowed and my vision on the world warped into what I believe to be the correct viewpoint on humanity.

I and the host have had many different sessions and to this day I still continue to smoke with him, because his ideas and his altered perception is very similar to my own. As I fully realized my own state of mind I noticed two people in the group, the girl who I shared my spiff with, and a third time herb user. Let me start with the girl’s character analysis.

The girl was kind of notorious for being easy to get, and she has confided to several people, including myself, that the rumors were indeed “true”. As I am only human, I brought her along so that maybe I could get with her afterwards. Alas, as I enter the proper perception, I notice just how superficial she really was. Never before have I noticed how “fake” she really was until I smoked with her. She had no original ideas, thoughts, or beliefs that I could see. Her entire persona was that of something you would see on MTV. It was completely ridiculous how much she wanted acceptance. She sat there and when asked a serious question, she replied with some cutesy, idiotic answer that made me wonder. How could a human being actually fall so low as to have such insufficient intelligence and individualism? As the session ended and most of us parted ways, she asked me if I wanted to get drunk with her at her house. Now any other day I most likely would have gone, but after witnessing her character at its finest, I decided to relax and sit back with the host until it was time for me to head home.

If you thought she was bad, just listen to how strange the new smoker was. When I say strange, I really mean psychotic, because the way this guy acted was downright scary. So during the same session, I glance over at the new smoker to see how he was doing. He had trouble with the actual smoking aspect of the herb, but that is nothing new. We all had the same inexperience at one point. What struck me as odd was his actual behavior. The guy was shaking and fidgeting as he always was. That was nothing new, but what he was saying really gave me an insight into his upbringing.

The person I am talking about had always been strange. All my life that I have known him, I always knew that there was something wrong with him. He seemed a little anti-social, but he always turned his awkwardness into a laughing matter, and he had some whit to him. My opinion of him was that he was funny, but loopy. However, as I smoke, I noticed how strange his mind really was. He confided to the crowd about how he thought that his apparent race was better than another. He proclaimed that Jews thought differently than other apparent “white” people. Blatant racism at its finest form. He continued to babble on about how Jews made more money than normal white people. He also admitted that Jews also have prevalence to being more risk-less oriented people, and that Jews like to bash others and to show strength in obvious weakness.

As I look upon this person, I thought more about what he was saying, and came to the conclusion that there really are differences in how Jews think. This conclusion did not happen during the session. In fact, the epiphany occurred today as I sat stoned with another friend of mine who happened to be Jewish. He is going to be my second example in a lack of character in the purest form. I just did not realize it until recently.

Example 2: In this scenario, I was the only one uplifted by the herb at the time. My friend of three years and I were driving around looking for something to do on a really rainy day. I offered him if he wanted to smoke, but he refused, so I just sat there and lit up with another of my friends who had an overflow of character, but that’s a discussion for another time.

As I sat there and talked to him, it occurred to me that my friend was a pure phony at the darkest end of the spectrum. He always recited something your parents would say and tries to play it off as his own. He is an upper class, money loving, patriotic and bland person. He would always remind me that he was rich, and that he had tens of thousands in his bank accounts, yet he has the audacity to say that he is not spoiled. He copies every story, every comedic line, everything from his best friend of ten or whatever years.

I had noticed his blandness once I started smoking with him. He seemed like a nice, funny person before I actually got into the herb, but when I actually started heavily smoking; I took notice in his fake personality. It built up a lot more I smoked and hung around him. I feel now that I can never respect him as a full human being, primarily because he never really puts forth any real effort and everything is always given to him. That being said, he will probably never have to struggle for anything, but he will never be anything mentally extraordinary. He had no depth to his persona. Also he acts like a thirty year old man, at the age of eighteen. He is always well-dressed and manicured and cares more about his appearance than most girls. I have called him out on it before, and he has admitted to being heterosexual.

Before smoking the herb, I never really saw how we as a people vary so much. Not only in how our character is shaped, but also if there is an existence of character in the first place. For those with no brain activity, I pity you to the fullest. Life must be so boring for those people who cannot think for themselves. Thank you for actually reading my full theory. Please let me know if you agree, disagree, or had similar encounters.
I liked it because I think the same (sadly). I think you just have a problem accepting people for who they are. Like that girl. She sounds like a slut.. and that's exactly what she is. She is herself, it's just not cool with you. The weird psychotic guy is himself too.. Not many people have the balls to come out and just go against a whole group (in this case it was the jews) in public. He must have known the consequences, yet he still did it. That makes him unique. But again, you didn't accept him for his views. The last person, your jewish friend, was friends with that other guy for so long it's no wonder he picked up some of his personality from him. I have somewhat the same personality as my sister becasue we used to hang out all the time. I still think we're both unique, but at the same time, we're the same. Your friend is being himself, but he's naturally like his friend. But you won't accept that.

I think the same way as you though. I look at people and try to look past them. I try to analyze them. I love family guy for what they do. Like they'll have "classic 80's comedy lines" such as "if you're here, then who's there (insert laugh)". They call people out on their artificial ways. What I've learned is that EVERYBODY is artificial. We're ALL programed from birth to act a certain way. No I'm not talking about conspiracies lol. "a man can do as he will, but not will as he will".. Meaning that we can think we're special and original, but we only learned from our ancestors and peers. We are artificial to the max. The only thing left to do is accept everybody for being the fake people that they are (which includes me).

I may be totally off because I'm pretty tired and finished smoking a bowl right before I read your post, but that's ^^ my opinion. Welcome to RIU BTW :bigjoint:
Thanks for the quick reply and intelligent response. I agree with what you say. The only thing is with other people I notice their character and how independent they act. The only thing was that above all, the people that I had mentioned were the extreme case of being fake, to the point were its hard to even see one smug of the person's soul. Yes, essentially we are all superficial in our every day life, but most of us have actual depth to not only our minds, but of who we are. I can accept these people for who they are, but it still astounds me. This is a discovery I made actually today, and so I decided to write about it. It sucks how the world itself is a lot more superficial than ever before. Thanks for the welcome into the site btw, I hope to learn a lot. I have only recently become a daily smoker :bigjoint:
Nice thread man you write good I like it :)

Its weird Ive had very similiar stories. I dated this girl awhile back that was very.. MTV. Shes been around I just wanted some I guess.. OI saw something in her.. But whenever I would smoke with her Id notice her failure of hitting on me.. Its liek I have to try SO HARD o hiton a girl, for whatevr reason and she would just spit it out.. Like she I dont know man she was weird, but I lkeanred that you cannot trust alcoholoc woman at all lol

And jewishness. My most hated friend I ever had was jewish. His grandma bought him a costum gibson les paul when we wer 13, hed been playing for a week. He had a marshall tube amp. Oh then she bought him a drum set, and did I mention that he was purchased a fucking infinity for his first car.. He was a spoiled brat, LOVED blink 182.. Oh my god Im about to throw up. Then he started hanging with these indie fags who literally are DEVOTED to indivisualism. Yet they arew the most bland, unintelligent people I know. They play of like they are intelligent. But like you said they are not thinking for themselves. And its very apparent. And and they totallyare against smoking weed but write music? Wtf? Their musics terrible. I agree you dont NEED weed to be a musician but man.. Lol gimme weed and a guitar you got yourself a prety damn entertaining night just sayin

fuck bitches fuck jews
I dont think about other people when Im stoned anymore though due to paranoia issues. One time it was so bad I hadnt smoked in jeez.. a couple months. It was the longest I ever went. I was with like 7 people.. Took one rip off of a steam roller and I refused to talk lol I was like just wait a sec guys I'm too stoned. Then like I gues I was zoning out or something but they were like IAN IAN IAN and then finally I look up like whaa, and this random girl said 'what do you think about abortion' I was like PH FUCK OH FUCK CONTROVERSY WHAT MY VIEW OH SHIT KILL BABIES OH GOD
So my response was simply 'I like turtles'
Thanks for the quick reply and intelligent response. I agree with what you say. The only thing is with other people I notice their character and how independent they act. The only thing was that above all, the people that I had mentioned were the extreme case of being fake, to the point were its hard to even see one smug of the person's soul. Yes, essentially we are all superficial in our every day life, but most of us have actual depth to not only our minds, but of who we are. I can accept these people for who they are, but it still astounds me. This is a discovery I made actually today, and so I decided to write about it. It sucks how the world itself is a lot more superficial than ever before. Thanks for the welcome into the site btw, I hope to learn a lot. I have only recently become a daily smoker :bigjoint:
Yeah for sure. With many people, you have to be alot more accepting. Like I have to try hard to bite my tongue when people wear wrist bands. I'm sorry to anybody that wears wrist bands lol. But I mean, it's just so fake. What's the point of it? It's just a fashion statement. Their personality is so superficial that it actually effects the way they dress. I can't say too much though, I mean I still brush my hair. To a point, brushing your hair is just a fashion statement too. People are quickly becoming more and more "robotic" each day. Ok turn on the disney channel and prepare to be pissed at how they're FORCING the younger generations to act. So pathetic.
Dude I know, my little brother is in 8th grade. Its literally like highschool musical. Hes the biggest fag ever, has a;ll; fag friends that do fag things.. But its like really I should just be more open.. To my brother I am but it absolutely baffles me and my father how he turned out a generic duechebag.. None of us are like that

Most people I dont give them the satisfaction. In person unless you are a girl or a dude I see myself becoming friends with, I probably dont like you lol I wont say anything, But secretly your god aweful stupid opinions make me silently cry. Not you heph lol just most people.. In person. On the internet its different you can actually plan your thoughts out before you post them.. Though sometimes I dont lol
Thanks for the compliment, and im sorry you had to date an MTV girl. The utter thought just churns the stomach. :-P
I actually want to keep thinking about how the human mind works through the use of the herb. It gives me an excuse so when people ask me why I use, I can say that im doing it to enlighten myself. Which in a sense I am. I enjoy making discoveries when high as fuck. haha
he jewish thing is weird because come to think of it I hate just about ever jew I know.. Its really really weird.. But they are different somehow and I seriously hate my jewish acquiescences. Our very conversations just send me into manic spouts of anger and its not healthy

Material poeople.. Brag about their luxuries that they got in some undeserving way

Probabl no all jews are like this but the ones I know are and Ive never met one proving me wrong yet.. Actually I just did yesterday so I take that back.

But he converted.

Fuck religion man

  • Thanks for the compliment, and im sorry you had to date an MTV girl. The utter thought just churns the stomach. :razz:
    I actually want to keep thinking about how the human mind works through the use of the herb. It gives me an excuse so when people ask me why I use, I can say that im doing it to enlighten myself. Which in a sense I am. I enjoy making discoveries when high as fuck. haha​

Haha thats right man, unfortunately people frown upon it and you gotta be careful. I recently stopped for a tolerance break, I was smoking synthetic, just kicked i, now Im waiting til my weed tolerance goes down so I can start smoking its beauty again
This is straight fowrard but if enlightenment is your goal get into lsd mushrooms and dmt. Those three.. Perhaps MDMA. Just like.. You think your thoughts make sense now, wait til the very thought is he thought of the thought that yo actually thought because your thoughts are just messages easily traceable through your brain
Whenever I think of superficial people I think of this video..
It sucks though. I'm quick to analyze people and I hate how they're so fake, but I catch myself "trying hard" like brian did in the beginning of the video. I've matured more though, I'm more "me". I don't really care about judgment anymore which means I try to not analyze people anymore and I don't fear judgment anymore. Life is easier this way.

Ok I'm just gonna throw this out there. I think eyebrows have alot to do with you fitting in. Think about it, when you're cool and relaxed (which leads to more people liking you), your eyebrows don't really move. When your anxious your eyebros are all twisted up. IDK I probably sound crazy but that's just what I think. Actually, now that I typed it up and actually told some people (you guys) about my eyebrow theory, I realize that eyebrows are just a test to check on another persons current personality/mood. Damn I'm high :lol:

If you want to pick up a hot girl keep your eyebrows relaxed, that's what I focus on lolol. Man I'm weird ha.
and about Jews, I am actually half so I don't think they are all bad, lol. That being said, the extreme cases of anything are just what I was saying, Fake. I know a bunch of superficial christians as well, I just never smoked with one. hopefully someday ill like to smoke out a church goer just to see.
And for now I think im going to stick with weed. The mind is a scary ass place as is, I have many more discoveries to make using just weed. I really want to stick with weed and not go overboard with drugs. Nothing against acid or shrooms, but right now thats not my thing.
Dude eyebrows?? LOL Im gonna have to loo at this one. You also notice eye movement which is normally irrelvant, I catch myself darting my eys around when I am completely innocent!
And my heart rate goes up sometimes our of paranoia that they think im lying. That of course is due to the weed it does that too me.. It sucks I wish I could just be a stoner and be happy.. But Im never happy as one I have to trip fairly often and smoke like alone once every once in awhile or the whole drug thing doesnt work for me.. I cant over do it, and if I underdo it I honestly feel like I lose a lot of my unique thinking, I just turn into another person. Which is retarded. And Im alwayscontent with it til I take a hit then I always go back.. always..
This is all just a game, we all play a part, we are all characters in a novel called life as we learn to choose who we want to be, or barrow who we want to be from others. Either way, its who we want to be, if it wasnt... we wouldnt be that way.

Separate yourself from those that you cannot stand, or talk to them about the parts of themselves that you cannot stand. If they are your real friends they will understand, if not... then whatevs, its their problem, not yours.
Yeah for sure. With many people, you have to be alot more accepting. Like I have to try hard to bite my tongue when people wear wrist bands. I'm sorry to anybody that wears wrist bands lol. But I mean, it's just so fake. What's the point of it? It's just a fashion statement. Their personality is so superficial that it actually effects the way they dress. I can't say too much though, I mean I still brush my hair. To a point, brushing your hair is just a fashion statement too. People are quickly becoming more and more "robotic" each day. Ok turn on the disney channel and prepare to be pissed at how they're FORCING the younger generations to act. So pathetic.


This is all just a game, we all play a part, we are all characters in a novel called life as we learn to choose who we want to be, or barrow who we want to be from others. Either way, its who we want to be, if it wasnt... we wouldnt be that way.

Separate yourself from those that you cannot stand, or talk to them about the parts of themselves that you cannot stand. If they are your real friends they will understand, if not... then whatevs, its their problem, not yours.

Thank you, your words held truth only attained through decades of learning from the herb. I am only a young, yet optimistic pupil of the art, only recently gaining a mentor. But some day I shall surpass both my mentor, and every smoker in the deep south. :bigjoint: bongsmilie :bigjoint:
Thank you, your words held truth only attained through decades of learning from the herb. I am only a young, yet optimistic pupil of the art, only recently gaining a mentor. But some day I shall surpass both my mentor, and every smoker in the deep south. :bigjoint: bongsmilie :bigjoint:

"Before smoking the herb, I never really saw how we as a people vary so much. Not only in how our character is shaped, but also if there is an existence of character in the first place. For those with no brain activity, I pity you to the fullest. Life must be so boring for those people who cannot think for themselves. Thank you for actually reading my full theory. Please let me know if you agree, disagree, or had similar encounters. "

I can tell you there is self beyond thinking and that to rely solely on the world for entertainiment, to push back the bordom, is a dead end.

What will you do in hosptial, para-paligic, "brain-dead." How about the lunch line, at the dentist? I'll say it this way life is not boring, we are. :)