Our 1-st Outdoor


Well-Known Member
So here is our little outdoor garden consisting of only 4 plants. Lemon Kush in the back, Western Winds (Kali Mist) in the foreground. They're about 28 days in at this point, and I believe the Kushes will be ready end of next month (if not before). Pretty fast flowering, even for an Indica. The Sativas will probably go until Halloween. It's our first time running either strain and so far, we're happy with both. No lemon smell on the Kushes (yet?) - instead, it's a truly pleasant Hindu - Kush scent - very distinct. The Western Winds are developing spear-like colas and starting to smell like exotic, spicy fruity- candy. We're about half - way there... :-P
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Well-Known Member
Very good job. What are you feeding them?
Thanks ! - They were grown in home-made, decade-old rich compost and fed with fish emulsion(5-1-1) throughout veg, until they were about 10 days into flower. Then I switched to 12-35-17 (orchid bloom) food I had laying around and it seems to work just fine. I'm going to feed super-bloom (10-60-10) next month to really fatten-up the colas. Thanks for stopping by ! :-P
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Well-Known Member
DSCN0820.JPG Lemon Kush (left)- this pheno is short and bushy and was the 1-st to show pistils. 2 colas from my other Western Winds(kali mist) pheno are seen on the right foreground -
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