Out of weed and money


Active Member
Igot a GDP that is in week 7 and I am out of weed and mony. Can I harvest some of the plant and leave the rest cause it still needs 9 days. I need weed, it's my meds.flowers 001.jpgThis was takin last week. Today is day 45 the pic was takin on day 38


Active Member
The top Pistills are turning orange. Ther is cloudy Trichs, but not many amber. I have a 100x scope and I know what to look for. I need weed, I am addicted to it. It runs through my viens.


Active Member
That's gonna b some premature ass weed yo I gues u could if u absolutely had to but my opinion it's not goin to get the achievement that u are wanting so it would be a waste


Active Member
Actually, the weed is stoney. I pulled off some lower nodes that suck energy and it fucked me up. For dude who says it will kill it. I have harvested a whole plant(8 dried ozs) and left one nug on it a tiny one at that, and the plant lived and thrived. These plants can take a shit load of abuse. I have seen it. No it's not good for the plant. But I also know that u can harvest the upper buds leave the lower smaller ones on for another week or so. It takes a day or 2 for it to heal itself. Does not stunt the plant this far along. I know I should wait, I am not a dealer, I am smokey McSmokeAlot. She is so crystally


Active Member
SO I harvested one stem. Got a little over an eigth. For quick drying purposes I would put a pile of weed on the top of my cable box, the ones u get from comcast. Set my meds right on top of the box, put a little plastic basket on top, and 24 hrs later, I GOT SOME BOMB ASS SHIT. This shit is fucking me up. Has a hell of a kick at the begining, almost to stoney. That goes on for a good 20 min, maybe longer maybe less, I am not sure, I was high! Well it is very tasty, u can really taste the Purpleness of the weed. Man this shit is the Bomb, I have been smoking weed since 1982. I started with Texas dirt weed in the 80's. Then I moved to Wa. state were indoor is the king.


Well-Known Member
glad it worked out for you... ohh how far we have all come.. i remember smoking in my last year of middleschool getting shit from highschoolers hahah i think my first purchase was a gram of sticks for $20 ahh the good old daze


Well-Known Member
Tupperware container, dry paper towel on the bottom. Bud on that, wet paper towel over the top of the container. Not on top of the weed. Then top on, leave one corner up and into the microwave. 1 minute at 40% power. Check. 1 minute at a time and NEVER more than 40%. Not only dries it but really tightens up bud and brings flavors out.