Outdoor Afghan


Active Member
I just wanted some input on what you guys think about when to harvest based on the pictures and the following info.

Cola 1

Cola 2

lower branch

6-7ft outdoor afghan still in the ground. She was seeded outside sometime back in March and began flowering sometime in August. It has been well over two months flowering and doesnt seem to be ready to go quite yet...


Well-Known Member
Beautiful looking plant...you'll get some people that will say to chop now, some will say to chop in a week...take a sample, quick dry it, smoke it up...check out what you are working with for a high...if you notice a more couchlock high at this point I'd probably chop, if its a nice heady high and lasts around an hour, i'd chop in a week.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, I've got a few afghan out in the ground still too, but multiple weeks to go for mine.

Personally, based on just the looks of the plant I would try holding off a week before chopping, 5 days atleast.


Active Member
thanks massah and fisch. I am starting to think holding off might be more rewarding in the long run...more input is welcomed.