Outdoor Bag Seed Grow - Seedlings - Looking For Feedback


New Member
Hey everyone. This is my second time growing. First time I grew outdoors as well with some feminized autoflower seeds I ordered. This time I had some bag seed and thought what the hell I’ll germinate them and plant them and see what happens.
Planted in straight miracle grow lol

I’ve been keeping them inside on the windowsill at night and putting them out in direct sunlight during the day until it gets dark. One looks pretty good so far, ones just a baby, and one is a little stringy and long, I read that could be a light deficiency so yesterday I tried to move them around a bit to get that one a bit more light. Any advice or input is appreciated


ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
If you live in the states it's too early to put them out like that.
The days are too short still. Since this is your second grow and you have only worked with autos you may not understand photoperiod plants.

Anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks from seed, a plant becomes sexually mature. If the light hours are too short it will think it's time to flower so it will start to bud. But as the day light gets longer it will then revert back to veg.... but then in fall revert back to flower.

I would keep it under a light at night for several hours until it gets closer to the end of may.

Good luck


New Member
If you live in the states it's too early to put them out like that.
The days are too short still. Since this is your second grow and you have only worked with autos you may not understand photoperiod plants.

Anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks from seed, a plant becomes sexually mature. If the light hours are too short it will think it's time to flower so it will start to bud. But as the day light gets longer it will then revert back to veg.... but then in fall revert back to flower.

I would keep it under a light at night for several hours until it gets closer to the end of may.

Good luck
Thanks, I’ve been putting them under just regular 40w soft light bulbs for a couple extra hours at night because that’s all I’ve got access to until I can get a proper grow light.