Outdoor choosing of strains?


Hello fellows, so I plan to grow a hemp, this year. i have 5 feminized Skunk#1 (seedsman) seeds,soon ill buy more, also last year i collected many seeds. I have two secure spots, there ill grow only a feminiz seeds, i will try to be good grower. On the other hand , I have three spots more, but they are less sefe than the first ones. So, In my less safe spots i am planing to sow a lot of regular seeds collected by myself. there i will give less tend. I will water them often in the beginning of the growing process. and after one or two mounts idk i will go to remove the males. What is your opinion about it , the results will be good? I know that it depens on may factres like, weather ,nourishment, disasters , animals and so on. In simple words " I will water them seldom and only when ther are small seedlings." may be once a week. btw sorry about my bad English :(

My second quietion is which of these then strains will rise well in my place ( Balkans peninsula). I must choose five of the strains below.
Church (GSH)
Big Bang(GSH)
Super Lemon Haze (GSH)
Lemon Skunk (GSH)
Northen Lights (sensi seeds)
California Orange Bud (Duch passion)
Arjian's Strawbarry (GSH)
The hog (tha)
Kerala Krush (flying duchmen)
Sweet Haze (DNA genetics)


Well-Known Member
oooo a Mediterranean grower, let me just say that you guys have optimal growing conditions around there, similiar to norcal.

Anyway, I would grow the hog, I heard it yields well and is potent, never heard of it outdoors but then again it should do fine in your climate.

really any strains on that list will grow great in your area.


Well-Known Member
grow whatever you want bro. i believe your climate will bw suitable for any strain you want, choose what sounds best to you. just watch out for them snakes. kidding. make sure they are in a sunny spot, dig big holes, using the best soil and compost you can afford, if you cant go and water them look at water polymers as an option. it will cut your waterings by 50%. but they are not organic they do contain chemicals i do believe. but given your climate grow anything you desire dont listen to what anyone tells you to grow just do it you listed all good options. ive always wanted to grow some hog like grassified. and ive gotten shit seeds from dutch passion not once not twice but have been suckered into buying them multiple times and have never been realy satisfied with their seeds. worry the most about taking care of those good seeds. good luck.