Outdoor grow 2014, Norway. Autoflowers


Well-Known Member
this is the first year using autoflowers outdoors after 3 years with normal bagseeds and some strains, no plant has made it trough the 1-2 week of flowering.. plants rot and dying beacause of cold and to much rain in begiinning of october.

now i got 1 Moby dick auto (Flowering), 1 Dark Devil auto (flowering), 1 original bubble gum auto (flowering) and 2 Northern Hog that havent started flowering yet.

Weather will be perfect for 3 more months here in Norway so i started germination 3 more Northern Hog. And
there is about 1 - 1 1/2 Months yet for the other plants.

Top Left is the 2 Northern Hogs, Top Right is Moby Dick Auto, Bottom Left is Dark Devil, Bottom Right is Original Bubble Gum, as From the bottom picture with all the plants20140704_154238[1].jpg 20140704_154227[1].jpg 20140704_154212[1].jpg 20140704_154158[1].jpg