Outdoor grow.I threw 7 seeds out in a field will they grow


Well-Known Member

I live near a big field covered in tall bushes and scrubs..
So i decided to throw 7 bag seed's in a certain area that is covered by scrubs...

WILL they grow?? I did this about a week ago.. And its July 24th.

It hasnt rained, so im worried they wont germinate...

Do they have a chance of growing??????


Well-Known Member
no. and even if they do germinate, they wont make it past 2 weeks unattended. sorry.

They've been growing unattended naturally for thousands of years

if it doesn't rain nothing at all will happen.go and chuck some water on them and see what happens


Well-Known Member
okay buddy. marijuana "has been growing unattended in the wild for thousands of years" because the strains have evolved to be adapted to where they live. i highly doubt that the bagseed special comes from where he does....thats all im sayin.


Active Member
they could but it very unlikley that they will back when i was in high school i would do that all the time and never get any thing except one time i put a bunch in a friends moms flower bed and got him in trouble pretty bad