Outdoor Grow in California


Active Member
so i put my plant outside and its been 3 weeks now. She has grown quite a lot since then and has developed a lot of nice leaves and potential bud sites. I topped her twice! Once at the first node, and then once more when i first put her outside ( 6 times off of 6 nodes). Daylight in California is just past 12 hours. How much direct sunlight will she need to have her induce into producing buds? i have had her like i said for 3 weeks outside and no buds have formed. Right now the direct sunlight she gets is for about 6 hours and then the rest is in the shade while the sun is rising or it is past the tree's and setting. Also, since outside light gets longer day in and day out what can i do to make it flower? would putting it in a box where no light gets through work so i control it for exactly 12 hours sunlight/daylight?

So how much sunlight will she need? Is 6 hours to little for direct sunlight? when will i see her produce buds or balls if my plant is a male? Please help thanks


Well-Known Member
most plants show sex when they get mature.. even before flowering season. yes you can put a box over it and controll it 12/12 but thats guna be a pain in the ass.. just grow a tree and let it flower naturaly if you can.


Active Member
lol it will be a pain in the ass. If i let it grow out to a bigger plant then how big will it get in height?!


Well-Known Member
If your plant receives less than 13 hours of sunlight it will Flower. You need to read up on sexing and presexing. you can use a box or a dark tarp over a frame to cover the plant. It is important for your plants to have morning dew on them. A 10 degree temp differential an hour before the sun rises can increase potency tremendously! Its called DIF. Do some reading on the forums and inform yourself to ensure a more successful harvest. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Yea I moved my plants inside a shed last season everyday , that got old real quick somedays I wasn't around to put them in but they still flowered succesfully. It's gonna be a pain doing that Every day for 8-11 weeks straight. Id just let her go on her own. If she starts to flower id just let her go , she'll reveg on her own when she notices the days are getting longer.. not th mention your yield will be much better with the longer veg time. Just my 2cent


Well-Known Member
yea, and its also possible that your plant will start flowering and then try to revege before the buds are ripe.


Active Member
ok thanks for the tips guys! i appreciate it! She is at 26.5 inches tall where she stand now 3 weeks from the 11:45 minute amount of daylight till now ( 12:05 amount of daylight). I am assuming with ending of flower i can get arrowed 2 zips dry if lucky? sound about right? i can't wait to be smoking my own and she is due about 5 days before my birthday so it will be extra sweet ;)

kbo ca

Active Member
a plant can't "reveg" unless it has started to flower. You didn't put her out too early. you're doing just fine. Continue topping her through march and april and then stop topping in late may. she will start to flower in mid to late june and be done in august some time. Just make sure to clean out the under growth, and definatley plant her in the ground. get some support stakes and tie her up, and you'll be harvesting a couple pounds, not zips.


Well-Known Member
a plant can't "reveg" unless it has started to flower. You didn't put her out too early. you're doing just fine. Continue topping her through march and april and then stop topping in late may. she will start to flower in mid to late june and be done in august some time. Just make sure to clean out the under growth, and definatley plant her in the ground. get some support stakes and tie her up, and you'll be harvesting a couple pounds, not zips.
So you think that the next 3 weeks of less than 13 hrs of light isn't going to trigger flowering? Mine went out early last season and flowered on me.

kbo ca

Active Member
in cali right now, we are over 12 hours of sunlight per day. His plant hasn't started flowering yet. if you stay up on your almanac you would know that this year is an early planting season, which makes for a bumper crop, the last frost was in Feb. I know last season may was the month to plant, but every year isn't the same. If his plant was recieving 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness, then yes it would begin to flower then reveg. But we are past that point in the year.


Well-Known Member
We shall see. I have several out now that I expected to harvest early and reveg anyways. If not I will have a little more work this season than I thought. Thanks for the info. I would "like" your post if I could. :)

kbo ca

Active Member
ya no doubt. And my market prediction for next year is the price will go way down. even though they are shutting down the clubs, everyone and their mother is going to have left overs from this year's fall harvest well into summer next year when prices usually go up.


Active Member
so if i plant my girl and water it and feed her neuts then how big is she going to get? i can't have a freaking tall ass bush like 6ft tall in my backyard because then the neighbors will see it. how tall is she going to get if i let her veg until flowering in late june?