Outdoor Grow

I have a spot covered in trees, in the woods. What should I buy to kill trees, need the sunlight for my ganja this summer? Would the idea work

Bayou bud

Active Member
Be careful with what you use to kill trees, because it will likely leech into your first harvest if not more beyond that. If you are looking for long term answer, kill the trees and plant some bag seed to leech up the toxins. 1001 ways to use Hemp/Cannabis- It can be used to pull up toxins from the ground, even with heavy metals etc. To that first crop will be unsmokeable due to the toxins used to kill the trees, so chop it down and then you should have healthy and safe ground to grow your product in next harvest. Then use raised beds to hold for pests etc. Bury chicken wire under the ground to stop any large root eaters from getting you from the bottom-up. From there, beneficial pests and helpful fungi are natures gold IMO. I love praying mantises, lady bugs, wasps, nematodes, and mycorrhizal fungi as a good mix. Stops aphids, thirps, large leaf eaters, not to mention those that burrow into the grown to lay eggs. Make a circle in the soil around your plants to give a nice deep watering, then cover it in gravel to stop pests from having easy access to the plants stem and root mass from the top down. The mychorrizal fungus is awesome. It stops most negative root fungi from ever having a chance to grow onto the roots and significantly increases the surface area of the roots and its ability to take in water and nutrients. Good luck man, cheers.


Well-Known Member
Just remember before you go cutting down or killing trees, think of that trees life, He was living there peacefully for years before you came, probably before you even existed. To be honest, your just giving yourself extra work, have you tryed sticking a shovel in the ground yet? If you got a bunch of trees there its going to be a bitch just to dig with all those roots.


Well-Known Member
how many trees are we talking about how big are the trees. what kind of trees are they. what kind of soil do you have there a lot of ways to kill a plant.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean by "what should I buy to kill trees" ? ever heard of chainsaw!? Why don't you find a spot where people have done the work for you? a 10 years old cut block would be perfect ... if it looks freshly cut for no reason, it's gonna look suspiscious... and if you were talking about plants or vegetation, I wouldnt grow cannabis in soil you used chemical to kill everything that was around?


Active Member
Use chainsaw or axe and clear massive clearing as depending on how tall the trees are they will block alot of light.