Outdoor Growing and co-ops


I have a question that hopefully someone can answer or explain the reason for it.
Lets say a person(or a group of 4 people, all card holders) grows organic outdoor. They take it around..lets say SFV/North Hollywood. they have 2.4lbs of very good(not connoisseur, but maybe high/top self) bud. They are told "its excellent, but nobody wants outdoor"..."they want indoor hydro".."we cant sell it..even at $3.50 a gram($1568lb). There is to much of it(outdoor this time of year*)..if it was hydro we would give you $4000-4200lb for it, but our customer's don't buy outdoor"..,
Why? ...Is this true? Does no one want outdoor? Is hydro 200-400%(in price also) better for what ails you?
I am new to all this so please forgive my ignorance on the issue.
*I believe that there is a lot out there, but I don't see it at most of the co-ops.