Outdoor growing and temperature plant stops growing


Active Member
In short -- having been a skilled medical marijuana grower in Mendocino county for the past 8 years I've discovered that the plan will not grow
at temperatures 85F and up. I hope this fact helps your outdoor growing
info needs.

Cheers, Peace, Love & Unity!
The Psychedelic Pope
Saint Isadore - Patron Saint of the Internet



Well-Known Member
In short -- having been a skilled medical marijuana grower in Mendocino county for the past 8 years I've discovered that the plan will not grow
at temperatures 85F and up. I hope this fact helps your outdoor growing
info needs.

Cheers, Peace, Love & Unity!
The Psychedelic Pope
Saint Isadore - Patron Saint of the Internet

what is that in celcius ,as i dont know about 85f , i live in oz so it is fucking hot in summer ,some days 44celcius ,at the moment it is winter so no grow outdoors ,but i wonder in summer if i put some shade cloth over them maybe that would help?:peace:


Well-Known Member
well now i know why my plant hasn't been growing were much the temp where i live has been in the 90s but hopefully the temp drops down to the 80s pretty soon


Well-Known Member
wow I really hope this isnt true... but if it is, no wonder my plant has been growing like shit for the past month, it usually in the 90s here in the day


Active Member
Its been 90's where I live and plants are doing well... However it cools down at night and my babies are nestled between the tomato plants and corn is behind them... maybe that helps, plus I run sprinkler in mornings of known hot days

seems to slow growth during hot summer months, but seem to make up for lost time once autumn arrives....


Active Member
Its been over 90 for most the summer here and yeah id disagree totally. My shit is bigger then ever. Its all about the soil and the location


Active Member
my plant's have also been outdoors in 90* weather, and they're raping! I just mist them often and keep vegging. Maybe being organic has someting to do with it? maybe outdoor plants that have been fed fertilizer would burn up or just stop growing in extreme heat? i dunno this is interesting


Well-Known Member
it cooled off today and i got a good look at things. WOW, they grow like MAD in the heat. you just have to WATER THEM!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
bullshit. I grew last year (and this year) in 95-105 degree weather EVERYDAY ALL DAY. I haven't had any problems with getting nugs last year.. and I'll tell ya it dont look like im gonna have any problems this year either. I go organic though, so maybe that provides a factor. Other than that they are literally layin in the sun from sunrise till about 5pm.
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Well-Known Member
In short -- having been a skilled medical marijuana grower in Mendocino county for the past 8 years I've discovered that the plan will not grow
at temperatures 85F and up. I hope this fact helps your outdoor growing
info needs.

Cheers, Peace, Love & Unity!
The Psychedelic Pope
Saint Isadore - Patron Saint of the Internet

that may be true for indoor growers but outdoors it is just not true.
i live in oz and in a hot part of oz.
our summer temps can get to an average of 45 deg celsius or 113 deg Fahrenheit and can get as hot as 55 deg celcius or 131 deg fahrenheit for days on end.
mine grow fine in fact the hotter it gets the faster they grow...:hump:


New Member
yea my babies love the hot weather 90-100 degrees they grow crazy but they still grow crazy even if its in the 60's i think it really matters on soil and location. So Cal is the shit for growin herbs


Active Member
Yeah So cal would be great, same with canada.. I live in WA tho outdoors is alright here.. but most people grow indoors here..:cry: it sux cuz i like outdoor organic's the best. But i can't complain because it's been around 90 degrees for like a month, haha !:hump: don't know why. :joint::joint:


Active Member
thats bull.total bull. I had a random ass plant pop up in the garden in late may and there were many days of high 90s and even 100 and by early august this thing was scary big . I had dug it up and moved it and thought it had died...oh no it came back 4x bigger. Outdoors is crazy big. :fire: California is not the best place for outdoor its the state with the most sunny days