outdoor growing in Texas?


Active Member
so I put 4 seeds into a paper towel and have kept it wet for 2 days now and have little white things coming out of the seeds. My question is can I just put the seeds in good dirt and water it every day or what? where i live we only get like 12 inches of rain a year with 90-100 degree summers. and also how should I plant the seeds an inch deep or so?


Well-Known Member
Raise the seeds in little cups of soil indoors for a bit before you put them out in that hot Texas sun. A seedling is not very resilient, wait until the secondary leaves show up it and it should be a few inches tall.


Well-Known Member
Defenetly a different cup for each seed.This way you do not have to seperate them later.You can put them in the window, or you can put them under a light. if you are able to use a light i will give you a simple way to set up.Also do you need this grow to be hidden or not?


Well-Known Member
so I put 4 seeds into a paper towel and have kept it wet for 2 days now and have little white things coming out of the seeds. My question is can I just put the seeds in good dirt and water it every day or what? where i live we only get like 12 inches of rain a year with 90-100 degree summers. and also how should I plant the seeds an inch deep or so?
the deepth is right but water every 2-3days you don't want to over waterget a moister meter. over watering is the biggest matake new growers make. gl on your grow.

dr greenthumbs

Well-Known Member
Go to wal-mart and get a bag of jiffy seed starting mix. It has no fertilizer and is very good for starting seeds. Fill up 16 oz platic cups with this mix and put a bunch of holes in the bottom of the cups. After your seeds crack put them about an inch deep with the little tap root pointing down. Put the cups under a good shade tree and let the little girl sprout. After about 3 weeks you should be ready to transplant to final site. Watch for bugs, no fuck that dust for bugs from the very start. If you know where youre gonna plant them then go ahead and dust it too. Bugs in TX will fuck your plant up. The more you can protect your plants from bugs and rabbits, deer and so on the better your crop will be but you have got to stay on top of the pest situation. Good luck and happy growin.:peace:


Well-Known Member
the deepth is right but water every 2-3days you don't want to over waterget a moister meter. over watering is the biggest matake new growers make. gl on your grow.
I can't "over water" no matter hard I try, I doubt he could in Texas. I bet he ends up watering every damn day.


Well-Known Member
i see people watering every 5-7 days and think to myself...how do they survive? I water every day or two and they get dry as hell, and i live in canada!

Day 13 veg..jpg

Day 13 veg.jpg


Active Member
ok so tomorrow I'm going to dig a hole in the pasture behind my casa and fill it with garden dirt, no fertalizer. then plant the seeds and put a wire cage around it. Will strong winds be bad for the plant when it gets bigger? like 40 mph. And thanx got alot of info fast.


Well-Known Member
i have had my ladies out in a 60 mile an hour wind one night last year and it was a little beat up but it survived!


Well-Known Member
40 mph winds definitely will not help it, thats for sure, might blow off some of the bugs if your lucky. =]