Outdoor growing question?


Active Member
Alright i've been trying to grow for about 6 months wit no luck and i jst threw some seeds in a pot and put um behind a tree in my back yard and left um for a week... well i went back and i had 3 plants about 4 inches tall and they look really healthy wit one small one jst coming out of the soil... its rained a lot here lately but i live in aplace where it rarely rains and i was wondering if i should jst leave them be and let nature grow them or should i water them myself? these plants are bigger and look healthier than any plant i've tried to grow so idk... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Water the pot when it gets dry, might want to plant each in its own pot also, once they get big you won't be able to get them apart and will kill em all trying. You don't want to have 3 females and 1 male.


Active Member
yea i was planin on that but is there anything important i should kno bout transplanting? how big should the plant be when i transplant um?