Outdoor hole question


New Member
I finally got out last night and spent 5 hours hauling my 15 bales of soil to my 3 spots ..:wall:

I kinda estimated how many bags I would need per spot so once I filled each hole up
acouple of them didn't fill up with soil to the exact top of the ground level..

the soil level in the hole isn't far off the actual ground level it's probably 4-5 inches lower

would this be a problem when rain comes or I would go to water ?
should I haul more to make the holes like a "raised bed" for when I transplant ?
or would the lower level act as a funnel for when it rains/water ?


Well-Known Member
I had a few plants like that, didn't seem to matter to much, i noticed the rain would gather in the hole sometimes, but it just seeps through the dirt, just keep a good eye on it. How big will the plants be when you transplant?


Virtually Unknown Member
It will depend on surrounding soil/weather conditions. What's the weather like in Jul and Aug? If it's prone to stay wet, then you don't really want it to collect. But if it's dry then... I always mounded. But then I could water with some regularity as well. Can't get the hole too big or deep. Good Luck!


New Member
true, yeah i'll worry about leveling them out later.. just don't feel like going to buy more ffhf
hate how expensive 2cf bags are