outdoor light and indoor at night


New Member
I currently flowering a plant (orgins un-known,house warming gift). It's been in flower 30 days. I grew from seed under small cfl in bathroom for a couple months, then bought a T24 at a thrift shop for 15 bucks, continued vegging another month, month in a half. 30 days ago I switched to 12/12 light cycle by putting in light tight closet and small fan. I put out on patio at 7 am and bring in at 7 pm. oh yeah! just dirt, a few rocks and a couple of worms in a 3 gallon pot. I used shake and feed miracle-grow up until a couple of weeks ago, now i am using honey, un-filtered. can anybody give me their opinon on what strain this might be and how they feel it's coming along. i plan to grow more plants from clones to take advantage of the free cali light and take in at night. i will of course step up my game with the soil and nutes next crop tho. here are006.jpg003.jpg006.jpg003.jpg a couple pics