Outdoor nutes/ nutes cycle?

Shark Week

Ok I have been looking around all the forums and I can’t really find exactly what I am looking for so here are my questions. I am growing just a few bagseeds that I have left over before I really get my plants going for next year. A big thing that I have noticed is plants need food, so with that being said when growing outdoors what are the best nutes to use? At what stage in the plant do I use them? And how often should I use them?

Also ive read that early fertilizing and foliar feeding increase the chance of producing fem plants by 40%. Any truth to this? And if so what do you guys use?

And I guess my last question will be this, are there any special mixes of potting soil and what not that you all like to use for the medium? And if so what is the correct way to mix it?

Thanks in advance for any help