Outdoor Overwatering Problem Plz Help

ok so I need sum advice where im at we went like 10 days maybe 2 weeks with no rain 85 degree weather approx there was no rain in the forecast for like another week so I gave my plants about a gallon of water each there in 3 and 5 gallon pots pretty good size started around Late May Early June well anyway then the rains came and they started showing signs of being overwatered its been raining here for like 3 weeks straight so since they were showing signs of being overwatered i moved them under a tarp for a roof they still get light even though its cloudy just the roof the keep them as dry as possible but my question is should i just let them have the rain ? as the new rain would bring in new oxygen similar to a hydroponics machine any ideas should i just try them in the rain or leave them under the roof til the sun returns ?


Well-Known Member
Keep em covered till they dry out then stick em back in the rain if it still going. If they show signs of over watering don't keep em where they gonna get more water.