Outdoor Question!


New Member
Total noob here,was wondering if there is any way to protect my girls from morning dew? They are pre-flowering,I guess you would say,trying to get familiar with everything.They have alot of white hairs coming out of them and am trying to take advanced precautions to protect the buds from dew and eventually bud rot.I live in a subtropical climate,if that should help at all.I have no idea if it will,just throwing that out there.And also,should I build an umbrella setup to protect from periods of rain? Just don't want to see all my work go to waste. Thanks in advance folks,any help is much appreciated. :)


Well-Known Member
Not much ya can do really, you can give em a shake n get some moisture off. Find some mold resist ant strains to grow.


New Member
Thanks alot man! Yeah,Im gonna have to browse some seed banks and find a strain that attracts me and is also mold resistant.Thanks again. :)


Preflowers are not generally prone to moisture/mold issues where there is adequate ventilation. Even with some rain they will dry out fine. Just avoid excessively wet plants over night. However, once you go to flower you will want to guard from as much moisture as possible. If it's possible, put a fan on them to dry them out if conditions allow. And yes, you will want to guard them against heavy rain with something until the weather clears. You can also use a mild "food safe" fungicide with healthy plants under the right conditions. :)


New Member
Totally didn't know.if the preflowers were,that's a huge help! I actually have some food safe fungicide.Where would I spray it on the plant? Not the buds right? Or would,and that being the purpose of the tip you just gave me? Thanks for your help man! :)


Well-Known Member
put a clear plastic tent over them, overnight just pop up a clear tent .or pvc and clear plastic. ..


Apply food safe fungicide according maker directions for the lightest application. Do it early in the day when humidity is low and when the conditions make it certain to dry completely. I avoid spraying the undersides of the leaves - a light mist is ok, but a normal to heavy spraying can slow growth. When it comes time to flower, only spray the leaves. Also, if you need to cover plants due to rain (during flowering) be sure to give them adequate ventilation, again a fan if possible.