outdoor roof terrace grow


Well-Known Member
Well I am a newbie to the art of growing the herb. I have absoutly no experience in growing and any information I have gathered has been from this site (thank you all).
The story so far is that I purchased three seeds (moham ram) from a shop and thought I would give it a go,all three seeds took and seem to be doing ok although I'm not too sure where they should be at this stage (see photos). I have just repotted two of them into what I believe will be there final pots the final one will go in soon and then I guess it's down to TLC nature and time.They will be getting the sun all day and the temp will be soaring in july,Aug. I would love any feedback from the photos I believe some of the leaves are showing signs of mild nut burn. I am also wondering how tall these plants might get in the size of containers they are in and any other information/advice would be very much appreciated.By the way my understanding is thats it's legal to grow these plants in this part of the world and the bigger threat comes from people jumping over the roofs and nicking them.



Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to mention the first photo is of the family together 2nd is a untopped plant withe about 2lb of blended fish mixed with the soil towards the bottom of the pot, 3rd photo was topped about a week ago and the final photo was topped at an early stage using uncle daves method.


Well-Known Member
Help/Advice needed,
I went on the roof today and a friend looked at the plants (again no experience) and suggested it looks as if the plants are starting to get small buds??Can this be possible as I was told the plants should be ready around the end of september,if they are small buds would I have to change the neuts? I am really scratching my head as it seems way too early from what I have read on the forum and taking into account they have only ever known natural light.Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.


Active Member
Help/Advice needed,
I went on the roof today and a friend looked at the plants (again no experience) and suggested it looks as if the plants are starting to get small buds??Can this be possible as I was told the plants should be ready around the end of september,if they are small buds would I have to change the neuts? I am really scratching my head as it seems way too early from what I have read on the forum and taking into account they have only ever known natural light.Any help or advice would be very much appreciated.
pix of the site in question??? maybe you have an autoflowering pheno or something wierd going on... but most poeple dont know jack shit about marijuana plants... this is a good place to learn...


Well-Known Member
the site in question is the pics at the top of page.The small white hairy balls are on all three plants but more dense on the last photo with the 4 main cola.
Thank you very much for your time.If you or anyone needs better photos to look at just say so, I will get them tomorrow morning.
Thanks again


Active Member
need a closer photo... should be little white hairs for female and for male flowers little green sacs or balls to even banana looking sacs... yellowish to lime green


Well-Known Member
I would love to put a closer photo on the forum now buts its 12.35 am here now so it's fairly difficult.I will defo put 1 or 2 up in the morning for you to take a look at if you don't mind.Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
If they are clusters of white hairs then it is flowering. Hard to say without a closer look. Post them when you can. How much light are you getting where you live per day? Are the plants getting full sunlight all day on your patio?


Well-Known Member
Oh and males will just pollinate your females if they are near. I know in Spain, there are a lot of outdoor growers and its possible for the male pollen to travel a long ways. If you notice yours are producing male flowers just get rid of them as quickly as possible, it shouldn't affect your females. If they do pollenate, you'll just get seeds in your bud.


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of pics I found it hard to get a real close up that was in focus. Yea they get the sun for most of the day and evening although they are slightly shaded by the pergola early in the morning.We have had a few days of cloudy weather this week. If you can see they are in flower what is my best course of action to keep them growing or is it good to have them flowering this early. My aim when I started this was to try and get some large plants they have only just gone into their final pots. I think I may of been given the wrong advice on the seed type its 85% indica 15% sativa.Sorry for being so useless but what can I expect from now with approx timings ets and should I change neuts to flowering ones.Thanks in advance.


Active Member
if its flowering now its an auto flower and you cant do anything... i cant tell from the picture i need a closer look... froem what i see it could just be a growing top... looks like youre doing very well! just dont change anything youre doing and give me updates every few days... and youll know it when its flowering! those little hairs start coming out like crazy... so if you cant tell today, if it IS flowering your know for sure by this time next week... anything else? id be glad to help you.... the nute situation looks fine,,, dont feed it unless its just a little but still it looks good... nice tight growth... hight doesnt mean much as to its yeild...


Active Member
dont feed it.. look up marijuana problem charts on google read them all over and over... then read some more about nutes... then if you want to feed youll feel better about it...


Well-Known Member
Thank you once again I will deffo keep you updated fingers crossed and go with the flow I guess. I do use nutes but nothing too adventures just ones that I purchased from a garden centre that are supposed to be specifically for cannabis in its vegging stage they do sell a different one for when it starts to flower.I do hope it's not an auto flower as I am getting a fair bit of enjoyment out of them and would like it to last until at least sept. All the best with your grows.