outdoor stock

oz high

i have grown outdoors using clones for nearly ten years.I have grown my own crosses as this seems by far most successful with my best and the strain I,ve kept for 7 years is a durban poison crossed with skunk number1.I have now lost this strain but dont have the will or time to do my own cross this season.I have not seen anything that compares for both yield and potency that I can buy.I live in australia but buy my seed stock from sensi seeds as i have found them to be reliable for their strains.Can someone recomend a reliable strain with some details.Here I must plant in nov and harvest in the first week of april.Im doing some auto flowers just to get something in december.For this I was going to purchase early girl but this is just a sideline project.


Well-Known Member
I like the Sensi strains for outdoor also, I'm trying the Early Girl this year and we'll see how she does, only 250g max per plant though, plus no feminised version :( I'm also doing Early Skunk again which I did last year, if you don't want any hassles with sexing go with the feminised version, get them out early in the season and they will be beasts, really hardy, plus they yield 500g per plant, I've noticed that the feminised version of Early Skunk actually flowers before the regular version, just a suggestion ;)...,


Well-Known Member
Bummer on the DP!

The plant on the right, visible in my sig pic is a Durban Poison.

I got lucky a few years ago when a friend brought over a couple "hermie" DP plants he said had produced male flowers. They had reverted to female almost immediately. I removed the half developed buds, and let them mature.

I also have the Dutch Passion DP.

I crossed my friend's DP with the Dutch Passion version.

These plants have proven to be better than either parent in quality and size. Their appearance has a hint of indica, leading me to believe my friend's plants were the version with some Skunk #1 genetics.

Here is one that is crossed with "Early Skunk" that might be similar to yours.


(Not recommending the site. Just pointing out that similar crosses are available.)