Outdoor then Indoor Stress?


Well-Known Member
Would it stress a plant out if I were to throw her outside during the day when its bright out, and then bring her in and put her under a 400w mh when its dark out??


Well-Known Member
Stress might occur, limit it with a safe distance of plant and bulb. At a distance that heat is not a factor, should be safe. Some light is better then none, your right to be cautious.
I do this with two 105w CFL 6900 lumen each, not quite the lumens or heat, the 400w mh produce.


Well-Known Member
K thanks. Btw, I like your avatar. I did some aztec art like that in 8th grade and it looked awesome!


Well-Known Member
Try to match the temperatures. Don't go from 50's outside to 80's indoors. That will stress them for sure.