Outdoor to Hydro


Active Member
Ok well i am currently growing a few plants outdoor and i would like to start growing indoor using hydroponics!

I basically want information and a rough price on what it will cost. I will only be growing 6-7 plants.

So far i only know what tent and nutrients ill be buying lol

What i wanna know:

Type of bulb?

What do i use instead of soil?
(Newb i know)

How the watering system works?


Anything else that i have not mentioned and that i will need or any additional advice would be greatly appreciated!!


Well-Known Member
you need to read the entire grow faq and then come back.
Noone is going to want to plot out your setup for you.
Top of the page in big letters it says FAQ.
click it, light up and start reading.

Not trying to come off as a dick, just trying to make everyones life a little easier.