Outdoor tobbaco.

Looks good. I grew up near Hadley, Ma, in the connecticut river valley, and they still grow wrapper tobacco for cigars. I worked one summer in the tobacco fields. It is a tricky plant but I don't know much about it, just remember that it tended to fall over in wet weather, and also when it was getting big, late in July/ early August they would put up big white nets - maybe to keep birds off???
....just remember that it tended to fall over in wet weather, and also when it was getting big, late in July/ early August they would put up big white nets - maybe to keep birds off???

That's shade tobbaco for cigar wrappers, they tie off the plants to keep them upright.

I've gotten it this far looking for advice on where to go next. Thanks.

Mostly, you want to keep the leaves off the ground and keep the caterpillars and flea beetles off.
Tomato hornworms and a couple other varieties aren't bothered by the high nicotine levels.
