outdoor yeld

green thumbs

Active Member
planted some clones a while back just checked on them wow almost 6ft tall and lookin strong like they are on steriods i mixed foxfarm soil with some bacto and planted in the grownd and are now starting to bud anyone have a idea what i will yeld per plant


Active Member
so you just stuck some clones out with good soil months ago and came back to find 6 footers?


Well-Known Member
clones get big I have a 9ff haze x skunk and a 7 ft martian mean green.All bought as babies in may..

green thumbs

Active Member
ok the big 5-6 footers only had about 2 ozs or so and the 3-4 footers only had a oz or so but my boy was getting like 4 to 10 ozs per plant so i wonder is it best to cut your clones frome a fresh mother from seed cuz the clones i had were a few generations old the mother plants were clones of a clone and his were fresh and gave them no extra treatment


Well-Known Member
These plants are clones of clones of clones, maybe 15 times. I keep them alive indoors, I don't keep clone mothers.
I'm currently pulling lbs & lbs, from them

