Outdoors in the desert


Well-Known Member
Where I live summer temps reach over 100 during the hot part of the day. Should I plant in the full sun, south slope, (south slope = more sun North slope = less) I have an alternate north slope location that has som late afternoon shade. Any thoughts Thanks


Active Member
if you plant them in the high sun area you are going to need to water them much more often. Keep in mind that the hotter it is outside the more water you plant uses and losses. If the north slope gets a decent amount of sun than i would plant there.


Active Member
Yeah you want your plants to be 75-80F, any higher and it kinda inhibits growth.. as long as the north slope gets okay sun then I would plant there. They'll dry up like weeds in tough sun like that all day.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
Yeah you want your plants to be 75-80F, any higher and it kinda inhibits growth.. as long as the north slope gets okay sun then I would plant there. They'll dry up like weeds in tough sun like that all day.
tell me about it,i live in the des and its hard to keep anything alive,thats when i head inside:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Can you plant them around anything that will provide shade? I would also worry about wildlife wanting to sample the new stuff. Turtles, ground hogs, coyotes etc...

I wouldnt give them the strong afternoon sun. You know how hot it gets at 3pm compared to noon.


Well-Known Member
Can you plant them around anything that will provide shade? I would also worry about wildlife wanting to sample the new stuff. Turtles, ground hogs, coyotes etc...

I wouldnt give them the strong afternoon sun. You know how hot it gets at 3pm compared to noon.
I highly (ok, not high YET) recommend north slope AND planting where there is some shade provided. It doesn't have to be (and maybe shouldn't be) deep shade, just a partial shade. Most important during the hottest hours of the day, usually later than the hours considered worst for suntanning as most intense (10am-2pm), at least where I've lived. If you can't plant under or near trees that would provide that kind of shade, then maybe something like a camo shade-cloth would work. Most important is keeping that root-ball cool enough, I cannot stress that enough.

How cool do your night-time temps get? Deserts can get pretty God damned cold, too.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, they're going to go directly into the ground, yes? If not, then be sure to insulate the pots somehow. If the rootball gets hot, they're dead.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to try a Sativa like Traveling Thai and maybe Hawaii+Mauwi Wauwi. Something that needs room to stretch. got some snow white growing indoors now but my indoor grow space is only 7ft high. It will be fun to try anyway. Nirvana describes the Thai as being more difficult to grow but doesn't say why. I'd ask but their forum doesn't seem to work.


Well-Known Member
i havent grown any asian landraces but from the info i get they are easy to stress...one of the 3 forums i hang at has a breeder that only grows sativas now...he has a lot of experience with landrace sativas especially old strains...he doesnt recomend long flowering sativas until you have experience with some of the hybrid ones with shorter flowering times...like he says...you dont want to be 13 or 14 weeks into flower and stress them and cause a bunch of hermies


Well-Known Member
The one guy mentioned window screen. Plant in-ground, find partial shade, add shade if need be, watch that water. That's it from my end. Unless, of course, you pull my finger. :twisted: :lol:


Well-Known Member
i really hope i didnt discourage you...you CAN grow sativas...just look for flower times in the 9 to 10 week range...some true sativas can go 20 weeks...i have been looking at some seeds like that i am considering getting and storing until my experience level gets better


Well-Known Member
i'm just having fun, haven't smoked any weed for almost 30 yrs untill a few weeks ago when someone gave me some. Good shit too,, dating myself but only one other time when I was in college back in the late 70's have I ever smoked any weed that didn't have seeds in it. Life is good. I got an indoor grow femenized snow white going, I can plant in the trees for protection from intense sun this summer. You would have paid money to see the look on the little pricks face when I ask to see the bongs a few weeks ago in the head shop. Any way I'm pissed I haven't grown any decades ago....Better late than never cheers and thanks for your help