Outside Adventures with Green Gelato & friends


Well-Known Member
Occasional pics of one of my outside gardens. This is a 12/12 section. All plants are moved to dark room. All plants are in mt dew 2 liters. Nutes will be covered later.

Plants regularly are forced to withstand 40+ mph winds.
Please keep in mind that temps fall into the high 30's to mid 40s at night. Winds get over 60mph at times. And locusts :/ f'n locusts

Plants range from 5-15 to 6-7.

Green gelato not pictured in this post.

Other phone died and this camera sucks. Sorry 4 qualityIMG_20200701_143729.jpgIMG_20200701_143800.jpgIMG_20200701_143808.jpgIMG_20200701_143737.jpgIMG_20200701_143749.jpgIMG_20200701_143830.jpgIMG_20200701_143838.jpgIMG_20200701_143818.jpgIMG_20200701_143825.jpgIMG_20200701_143709.jpg
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The below was pollinated with green gelato feminized pollen early in flower.IMG_20200701_143838.jpg
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