outside plant...how much longer till my plant starts to bud

my plants about 3 months old and about 3 and a 1/2 feet tall in the last month it has started to sprout leaves from everywhere instead of just from the top but im wondering how much longer till it starts to bud cause it has little white crystal hairs starting to grow out from the stem but theirs not any buds yet and im new to this this is the first plant i have actually kept and not just thrown out


Active Member
once fall comes along and the days are shorter they will...it really depends where you live :-D
just re-read ur post and it sounds like your plant is still vegging
the plant will put out small white flowers to indicate its sex, its just somthing all plants do, the real bud starts to grow when the zig zag shaped branches get closer together and grow prety much touching eacthother then the budsites are ready. itle sort itself out, just feed her and shel do the rest
sounds like ur just entering the flower stage, whilst indoors this is only 4-6 weeks from harvest though outside i would expect longer!! the best way to tell is by booostin the size of the tricks by way of magnification the way tricks work r>>>>>first they look clear then misty then thaey go red yep red when around 50-70% go reddy orange pull it! 0)