over nutin whilst in flower


ok so i sligtly over fed my plant noticed a few of the lower leaves went dry and brittle so chopped a few off any how left her awhile just watered her and gave her a flush as thought it may be time to do one, and every thin seemed ok then my fella decided to feed her on some bio bizz bloom we bought and told him to add less than half concentrate unlike they say on bottle to begin with any how noticed next day leaves started to go brown on tips and dry up and some of the pistils on lower branch have shrivled and gone brown so he obviously over fed her again despite my say so, WAS NOT HAPPY any how will this misshap effect my overall yeild or buds shes only 3-4 weeks in to flowerin and am hoppin he hasnt fucked my overall yeild?


Well-Known Member
Over feeding takes your plants back. It's much worse than underfeeding, that can be corrected within a couple of days. Overfeeding often burn the roots too, so it will definitely stall your plant. Tell your buddy to leave it to you - "too many chefs... (or how does this saying go in English).
It will definitely effect your overall yeild some.