Over/under water !!!!!


Evening fellow farmers!!

I've had to re home a persons mother plant ( critical 2.0 ) because of family issuse! When I collected her, it was 5ft 8inchs tall an had been mothered for nearly 18mths in an 18L standard pot grown in soil! Due to me wanting to scrog her i topped her at theheight my scrog was set! Used all available clones 47 in total 39 rooted which I was pleased about!!

I must state I grow in 30-40L air pots an fabric smart pots! Using a canna coco an full canna coco range except there pk as I prefer atami BloomBastic instead, I also use molasses at low ml throughout my cycle, except flush times!!

The issue I have an will upload pics. I just flipped her into 12/12 2days ago an I've been feeder her my routine since I have her a flush when I first re homed her, for some reason today she don't look right now it could be over or under water I dunno! That's when I thought someone on here might have a guess!!!!

Critical 2.0
40L fabric root nurse pot
Feed schedule as follows:-

PH water/ Feed/ PH water cal/mag molasses / Feed / PH water etc!! Every 7-10th day I flush her same as I do with my others!! Check ph in an out!!
PH in 5.9/6.1
PH out 6.0/.61
EC in 0.9
EC out 1.0
PPM between 600-900

Thanks for your time!!



What I forgot to mention is! When she was in her original pot the root mass was so dense an bound I tried to wash off soil with water but it wouldn't budge! I don't do soil so I re homed her from an 18L to 40L an filled it in with coco! Now due to soil taking few days between watering I was in a dilemma due to coco needing water daily so I quickly figured out she takes 4.7 litres before 20% run off, that's soaking both mediums! When I water just coco around the edge an not the centre it takes 2.8 litres till run off! I haven't soaked the soil in 2days, an tomorrow would be her normal feed but I'm in sure wether too or not! I have a probe constantly in the centre soil so I can have a ruff guide as too how we're the soil is!! I'll upload a pic off that... Regarding the pruning of clones etc, that was 5 weeks ago an she been great if anything she liked the extra trimming! After 5 weeks I moved her to the room she in now an been further veg for 4 weeks as I've been filling scrogg! The 1st day of the 4weeks in scrogg was the first time I start pruning to lolly pop her an it was 5weeks prior I took the clones... I'm still 25% away from fully lolly pop as I'm 2days into flower I'll stop at the 2nd week!! While she was in veg state she never had no symptoms only since I flipped her 12/12 she seems to look unhappy!! She pissed off with me man I need help