over watered....

i accidently let my plants get to thirsty and they started to droop, kinda a little kid pitchin a fit, lol... but i watered em, two of em came back from it within an hour, but i still got one thats not, any suggestions on making her normal again, and how big does a plant hae to be before you can bud it?


Active Member
That sounds about right(12 in. ), but why not let her veg for another month and then flower and nearly double your yield/ just a thought.


Well-Known Member
so you had underwatered it and then in response overwatered it? dont worry about it, overwatering once in a while isnt that bad as long as you try not to and let the soil dry out to the level where you normally water it before you water it again. you can switch to 12/12 anytime, but the plant wont start to flower till its mature enough to show sex and flower, if you wait till it shows sex in veg flowering should take off within the week of switching, if its a little plant that still has a long way to go to reach maturity it can take 3+ weeks till its ready to flower.