Over watered?


Well-Known Member
what is going on here have two plants one fem and one reg same conditions the regular is doing great but the fem is having problems advice please just transplanted looked over waterd RH 25, temp tops at 90 they were in red solo cups and the RH was low so I covered both with baggies to try to keep the humidity up one day later looks like thisphoto.jpgphoto (1).jpg


90 is pretty hot. Stick your finger in the soil about 2 inches. Is it moist? Leave it alone if moist. If dry, water through with 1 tsp per gallon of 5% hydrogen peroxide. That should fix any symptoms of over watering if you had been.

I still think 90 is too hot, and that's why this happened.


Well-Known Member
Heat stress/over watering look to be the main culprits although you haven't given us enough info ( lights/light distance from plants ) to really make a diagnosis.

Also, seedlings should NOT be in a pot that big yet. Seedlings can grow large ( as in 8" - 12" ) in a solo party cup, thereby building up a root mass, before transplanting into a larger container. Since you planted in a large pot right from the get-go, all of the plants energy is making roots, not leaves. You should have waited a few weeks before transplanting.

These girls still have a potential future, but too much stress early on on life tends to lead to problems later on. I'd start some new seeds if I were you. Just my opinion.


My plants rock and roll at 90F. Your soil might have to much nutes. What kind of soil do you have? I kept my seedlings under a dome up 75-90% humidity untill they established a good root system. Then you can uncover them and harden off. Usually high temps cause leaves to cup and curl. Discoloration is due to lack of light or to much light, and to much nutes or not enough. I don't have enough experience to diagnose which it is, but hopefully this might lead you in the right direction.


Heat stress/over watering look to be the main culprits although you haven't given us enough info ( lights/light distance from plants ) to really make a diagnosis.

Also, seedlings should NOT be in a pot that big yet. Seedlings can grow large ( as in 8" - 12" ) in a solo party cup, thereby building up a root mass, before transplanting into a larger container. Since you planted in a large pot right from the get-go, all of the plants energy is making roots, not leaves. You should have waited a few weeks before transplanting.

These girls still have a potential future, but too much stress early on on life tends to lead to problems later on. I'd start some new seeds if I were you. Just my opinion.
Cannabis has been growing unrestricted in the earth for millions of years. Planting into a large pot is synonymous of planting to the earth. The less you have to transplant the better. Once your plants roots touch the side of the cup its being restricted. You NEVER want to restrict your plants. I seeded into rockwool cubes and went directly to 1gal smart pots, and my plants look great.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, his pot is not a 1 gal anything and he transplanted too quickly. Just my opinion.

I've never had a seedling look as bad as his looks, so I'll stick with my methods thank you very much.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
With all due respect, his pot is not a 1 gal anything and he transplanted too quickly. Just my opinion.

I've never had a seedling look as bad as his looks, so I'll stick with my methods thank you very much.
With all due respect i';ve never encountered anything of the sort when transplanting or using large pots or anything in the seedling stage. Stress from a less than gentle transplant is one thing but it has absolutely nothing to do with focusing on growing roots and not leaves as was suggested. That damage has nothing to do with it being in a large pot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you all, I have a induction 400 watt light.. its been about 10" away.. soil is hot.. its organic super soil.. it seems to be getting worse.. this plant is a NL x blueberry no more of these seeds trying to save it even though it is looking really sad.. I have a blackstar seed that is in the same everything and is looking great pic included.. the root system when i transplanted looked fine.. it was at the bottom of the solo cup and building roots on the bottom.. about 10" worth.. transplanting isn't the problem weather it will help or not.. more pics



Well-Known Member
No ideas??.. Im thinking calcium deficiency sprayed some cal carb on her.. its weird too me because one plant with the same environment is still good.. only thing is may have over watered this one but shes not looking hot.. its only been not even 2 days since she looked healthy but shes yellow brown with very lil green still soft..


Well-Known Member
you guys are no help :P the seedling is 2 weeks and 2 days pre-germination since spout its alittle over 7 days guess we will just wait and see if you think of anything let me know, im useing tap water which has a high ph of 7.35 try to off set this with a lower soil ph.. around 6-6.5 still the thing that stumps me is the two plants are getting the same everything.. i dont measure the water just to sight so thats why im asking about over watering.. as it seems to be slightly but too look like this in one day? idk thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
new thought could it be a potassium def? the stem is so small and almost looks brittle its kinda from the out side in.. just not a strong green leaf veins.. this is bugging me.. if you cant tell.. but ugh im stuck between calcium and potassium...

Green Troll

Active Member
your light is 10 inches away?, dude, thats quite close. try jacking it 15-18 inches away. make sure your leaves are not getting wet while watering (as i see you have virtually no stem to water around) and as previously mentioned, water when it is needed.


Hey Highway! I just replanted mine from a paper cup because there roots were starting to grow out the bottom too so i wish the best of luck with your girls! Im thinking that it might be your light being too close to your plants! I have a 600 and moved my plants 16 inchs away from it and it was too close and i started getting grow down and a yellow spot so i quicky moved it back to 18 and it got better funny what 2 inchs does! I guess seedling dont need that many lumen so i would try moving your plants further from your light if your at 10 now maybe go to 12 or 14 and see if she perks up a bit! I was told it cant hurt them being to far away because if they start to stretch then you know to bump them up a bit but if there to close they can cook! Hope this helps and good luck with the girls!!


Active Member
yea that definitely looks burnt. keep your light away from em, I mean i grew 8 good size plants with one 400w..keep room temps at 75 i wouldnt go hotter atleast until shes healthy again. also with rh in the 20s during veg isnt exactly ideal. you want it more around 60%. Why would temps top at 90? thats way to hot for direct light. I mean when plants are outdoors in that heat its not always DIRECT light, its gonna get shade. Also you must consider other factors of the equator(humidity, strain, soil, etc) basically if your indoors there is no reason they should be that hot. Also its bad for your light