Overcrowding in my tent


New Member
7 plants each in own 5 gal DWC bucket all in a 4' x 4' SunHut. Plants are about 6 weeks old. Plants are about 18" tall. Plants are very 'wide' or bushy. They are overlapping each other now. 2 of the 7 are smaller overall. One of the two is going to be covered up by the plants on either side soon. These 7 have not been sexed so I don't know which are female, yet. I have taken snippings from each plant and attempted to clone them just a few days ago. Plan is to grow the clones and flower them quickly to determine sex.

I don't want to sacrifice any plants before knowing the gender. Should I trim the 5 bigger ones so they aren't so wide and bushy?
What if I get incredibly lucky and end up with all 7 females, is 7 too many DWC bucket plants in a 4' x 4' room ?
I can get pics if it will help.

Background info
First time grower with help from someone who has grow a few crops.
(7) plants of unknown strain(s) started from seed.
(7) 5 gallon DWC
18/6 light cycle
4 x 4 SunHut Tent
600 HPS
Magnum XXXL Hood

(2) 6" Vortex CFM452
One mounted outside the tent and pulls air outside the tent inside the bedroom through the Magnum XXXL
One mounted inside then tent exhausting the air inside the tent outward
Exhausted air to outside

(2) 6" 250CFM inline fans from home depot
Each pushing air into the tent from the A/C vent

Plants went into buckets July 4th.


Well-Known Member
7 buckets is way too many for a 4x4
Sex your plants and cut it down to 4 plants in there.
You may be thinking you'll be losing yield, but trust me, you can only pull so
much with your light, and 7 plants will greatly reduce quality as there will
not be enough access to the light with that many bushes.

Trimming them down should help, because when those plants
go into flower, they are going to get big. Canopy management is key!