overfed or something else?


Active Member
these are 3 weeks old, planted in peat pellets, and then transplanted to Jiffy premium seeding soil. I feed them with pro grow and liquid karma as directed 5ml per gallon H2O when they were 1 week old (twice on back to back days), since then I've only feed them once, but they seem to be getting gradually worse... I've flushed them out a few times and only been using distilled water lately, but it seems like all the lower leaves are turning yellow, and there is some burning on a few.

my original thought was that I feed them too early, however since I've just been giving them plain water lately and they haven't gotten better, i'm starting to think they might be needing feed?? not sure?

I'm using T5 high output fluorescents so I know it's not heat stress.. I thought it might be the PH , so I bought a soil tester, but I the tester was cheap and is junk, it comes up with a reading of 7 every time, no matter what soil I put it in.

Not sure what's wrong.. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Your feding way too early, Just flush them out and dont fed them for atleast 2 weeks...same happened to me when I fed them when too young, but then I put them outside so the rain could flush them out properly and didnt fed for atleast 3 weeks and there now healty than anything.


Well-Known Member
why do ppl insist on feeding there plant at 1-2 weeks?

leave it for atleast 3. im leaving mine for 4, and then feeding.

its only little, it cant handle those chemicals ur giving it.


Well-Known Member
Yep unless they are clones you should only start feeding at 3 weeks or later,at 1 to 2 weeks there is nothing to feed and you are only cutting your nose to spite your face.:joint:


Well-Known Member
No nutes for 3-4 weeks...then you get the rock & hard place shit.. Too much nutes...flush, now you have a water problem... I'd re- pot them..that way you kill 2 birds at once....clean soil, and no over watering...Luck