Overwater Seedling ? Dr. Suezz invention dryer of coco coir .


Well-Known Member
Experiment : just started one hour ago .
I overwatered my tiny habenero hot pepper seedling ; sprouted a few days ago , Coco mix too wet .

Hypothesis : Put wick ropes all around the perimeter of the pot ; (these ropes are designed specifically to use wicking action to draw water up the ropes ) ; they all extend to the bottom of pot . Use wicking and evaporation to dry pot faster .

I have a floor model rotating fan . Stuck fan on top of a piece of furniture and tied it secure so that it is earthquake resistent .
This way the air blows down from above onto my seedlings and plants in small pots ,

Not sure , but I am hoping it gets some air from the wick ropes to the root zone at the same time the wick ropes draws water out , The fan air should cause water evaporation from the wick ropes , quicker than no fan at all .

Here are the current pictures , just started the experiment .

WickDrying2 (1).jpg
WickDrying1 (1).jpg

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A paper towel folded, slipped down the edge of the pot with 2-3" out the top will give you a little more evaperative surface area.
I like your experiment.
I’m trying to get better about my peppers.
Made some very light potting soil for some starts I had out of coco, worm castings, and cut up horsetail (the fronds don’t break down easy and provide strands that give structure/aeration to the soil, and it’s high in silica).
Moisture level good but it’s a little hot! My cannabis start is fairly okay with it but a couple peppers no good.
Good luck on your goal!