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I have 4 Frozen Fuel from Square One, 4 Alien Treatz from Robinhood, 2 Anaphylaxis from Mass Medical, and 1 Grape Pupil V2 from Mass Medical in veg right now, 44 days from sprout. I for sure know I had an overwatering problem from when I transplanted them from solo cups at during week 4 into 2 gallon pots. I thought it would be good to soak the pot very heavy after transplanting to help with the stress of transplant, and then watered 3 days later heavy again, and then the overwatering problems started. So after the second watering I let the soil and coco dry out for about 7 or 8 days until it had time to really dry out the pots and for new roots to grow. The growth significantly slowed down after those 2 waterings and nutrient problems started to happen like purple stems and leaves, drooping leaves, yellowing leaves. I gave them water finally again 2 days ago and they seemed like they started to grow again and all the problems were started to turn themselves around. All the new growth is nice and green and the stems are not purple. But some of the old larger fan leaves still have very purple stems and seem to be drooping still a bit. And one of my Alien Treatz looks pretty healthy, except for the top two fan leaves and wilting like crazy. It is only the top two fan leaves and the stems are sticking straight up like the leaves should be praying, but the actual leaves are just very wilted and drooped. Anyone know what this is or how to fix it? Also one of the Anaphylaxis has a strange color to the leaves. The edges are very dark green but the middle of the leaves seem a yellowish tint. Its like it wants to turn greener but it slowly is doing it in certain spots. New inside growth looks normal and green,
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