Overwatering Hempy?


Well-Known Member
I've scoured the forum looking for an answer and haven't found anything about overwatering hempy.

Can you overwater hempy?


Well-Known Member
...they usually hide in shame after drowning their plants though...so i doubt they will.

i have no shame though, plants will readily flop over and rot away when you water em to much that's for sure.
better to err on the dry side of things until you get a handle on how to listen to your girls.

in all honesty it's as easy as picking them up every once in a while to see how light they are.


Active Member
I am wondering the same thing as i have a sick WW at 3 weeks old, 9 days in hempy, no growth and pale green and drooping. poor little thing. I have let the perlite dry out a good bit but waiting on nutes. hopefully it will pull through but not looking good. Good luck m8