Overwatering Seedlings?


Seedlings germ'd 15 days ago. They're under 2 T8 tubes about 6 inches above them. I was using 175 ppm tap water ph'd to 5.8 to water them until yesterday when i switched to ph'd R/O. I was letting the tap water sit for a day uncovered before using to remove the chlorine.

3 of them are starting to yellow and drooping down a bit. They are growing in rapid rooters placed in hydroton w/ 6" pots. They all looked healthy until yesterday. Right now I am watering these by hand 3-4 times a day with about 3oz of water for each plant per watering. The roots look rather healthy from what I could tell atleast(only checked the one that looked the worst).

Sorry about the 2 blurry pics. I must have left it in macro from the leaf shots. I'm just full of newb mistakes >.> ... feel like im posting here with dumb shit too much. any help is appreciated as always.
