OxiDate anti Botrytis


Well-Known Member
Nugbuckets used it this last outdoor season and he grows in michigan and did not have any mold issues outdoors, he was growing some seriously dense shit too.

I have a 2.5 gallon container that I did not get a chance to use this past grow season, I was waiting to hear from Nugs on how well it work.

I will definitely be using it next year after hearing how great it worked for him.
So is it something you regularly apply or something that only gets applied once at the beginning or end of flowering or what? The thought of applying water late into flowering even if it has an antifungal scares me for some reason haha.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how effective it is on mold but I know for a fact oxidate is used in commercial agriculture. I bet a good portion of your produce is treated with it. It is some pretty nasty stuff though. Ever use that acid wheel cleaner? Kind of reminds me of that. Although, that doesn't necessarily make it unsafe.


Well-Known Member
2 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar per gallon water. i use outdoors, on eastcoast. leaves a residue with low ph, mold cant grow. just need to re-apply after heavy rain. add cloves and cinnamon to repel bugs...peace