Ozium Vs. Ona ... Which Is Better?


Well-Known Member
OK!! so, my room is starting to stink. and not like weed. and not awfully bad. i do not smell it, but my girl says its cat piss. i think its dead lady bugs, my b.o., and what ever other fragrant smells are emitted from the medium or whatever! anyways. i want to buy a automatic mister. like a Ozium or Ona 15min mister. the battery operated ones you put the aerosol cans in. i love the smell of Ozium, and i know it works! and it works great!! but then i see this Ona product. its a lot cheaper, too! that is why i ask. ive never smelt the Ona before. im looking for a neutral smell, not anything lemony or citrus-y. just a basic order neutralizer. so, should i just stick with Ozium? i do not mind spending the few extra bucks for the Ozium. im just curious to how good the Ona scents work versus the Ozium. anyone used the Ona before? please let me know. thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Ona Gel hands down and if money is a issue and you cant buy a carbon scrubber you can make a DIY "Odor Bucket"

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't think you're going to like the Ona. I use it and swear by it but... it has a very strong odor. It smells like fresh linen. I have used Ona by opening up the jar and just leaving it out and I built an Ona bucket. The Ona bucket works a lot better.


Well-Known Member
I don't think you're going to like the Ona. I use it and swear by it but... it has a very strong odor. It smells like fresh linen. I have used Ona by opening up the jar and just leaving it out and I built an Ona bucket. The Ona bucket works a lot better.
Hellz yeah he even linked Rosemans DIY Ona Gel pic...Those things work and are great for a grower on a budget.


Well-Known Member
that is a cool contraption!! i do not think i need something that strong. im just looking at the 15 minute timer misters. you know, the ones that self spray every 15 min. in the little plastic enclosed housing mechanisms. i do not need nothing that high grade or fancy. just something to take the light funk away. at night when the lights are on, (i know that doesn't sound right, but my lights go on at night) it smells like cannabis!! sweet sweet cannabis!!! i have a rather nice exhaust room. yes, i have an entire room dedicated to the exhaust. mainly for heat, not smell. but since the girl has bitched about a funk, it must be taken care of. essentially i would like the Ozium. the Ona is cheaper, i was just curious as to why. also, i do not have much knowledge on those Ono Buckets. i just Googled them, and all that came up was the DIY ones. whats the gel about? is it like them little things you plug into the wall? i do not think i need anything that strong, but if it is affordable and better, then ill give it a go. im concerned about chemicals being sprayed in my room, a little!!

thanks for the tips. can you please explain the bucket a little better? thank you again!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Ozium is only really good against stuff like smoke and bacteria. If it's not smoke smell you'd be better off with regular air freshener. Ona you can get the small one and just poke a holes in the top, for normal everyday smell I just use lysol air neutralizer spray.


Well-Known Member
I use ONA gel also. I bought a small jar for my crop. I drilled about 7 small holes in the lid and put it back on. smell is not as strong and it works great.


Well-Known Member
ill look into that. thing is, its not for the weed smell, i love the weed smell, when the lights are off, it smells kinda funky. and i have been seeing a lot of dead Lady Bugs. im thinking its there dead corpses stinking it up. i need a little dust buster or sum shit. i clean and keep it neat as hell in the room, but its impossible to keep up with the little crumbs. i vacuum bout once a week, keep it all clean and tidy. just some night time (lights off) funk brewing. im in week 6 and 5 so, and some are Indicas and 1 is started to be finished. so the weed smell is starting to get stinkier, and i do not mind that, but this odd funk smell is kind gross. its rather mild, so i think i could get away with the Ozium, but ill look into one of them buckets. so, essentially i just drill holes in the lid, i see some use a fan, i really do not need another fan, lol! but ill investigate. thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
shit!! i think its Ozium for teh (no typo, lol) win!!! i just want a fresh scent in there. the nice stinky herb funk is starting to penetrate into the living room. may need to get 2! so i may just end up getting both. i like having a fresh smelling house anyways. props for the info!!


Active Member
OK!! so, my room is starting to stink. and not like weed. and not awfully bad. i do not smell it, but my girl says its cat piss. i think its dead lady bugs, my b.o., and what ever other fragrant smells are emitted from the medium or whatever!
I currently have a grow going about the same length as you. She smells like cat piss and skunk, (nasty combo at 8 in the morning) when I open the tent.. If you don't have all the necessary materials on hand for the bucket, it could be pricey, I've seen DIY carbon scrubbers for less than putting the Ono bucket together. This is assuming you have some type of exhaust you'de need for the scrubber. I've learned that a scrubber and some other odor protection working in tandem truley is the most effective for TOTAL odor control. Good luck.....and enjoy that pissy stink!! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
my girlfriend says it is starting to smell like a cat box. and yeah, i have a pretty decent exhaust system already, and well, my living room, always stinks like smoking refer, so they aint much plant funk anywhere else but the grow room. i just don't want to worry about it, so im think about getting a scrubber for the tent/grow room and maybe a bucket system and a mister system for the living room. its funny, nobody has said anything yet, but my girl swear she can smell it. i can not, so i aint tripping yet. and my exhaust room has no stink it it yet, and i am sucking all the heat out, and air, of the tent. and i will enjoy that piss smell everyday till harvest, then everyday all over again!!