Ozone Generator


Active Member
For 6 plants in a room 3'x5'x5' how many MGPH of ozone generation would be appropriate, i was thinking 1300 MGPH but could be wrong. Willing to pay for up to 3000MGPH but if i dont have to spend that much would be nice, the room already uses ONA cubes, and a 6 pound carbone filter on an outake. Dont ask why I go over board with odor control.


Active Member
your sure right? In my profession this could be very bad if fellow workers came over and smelled it growing. I'm shooting for not a hint of smell. I placed a pair of ionizers at the ends of the house as well. We have two dogs and i cant smell them anymore but that doesnt mean it will work for other things.

Is there any sort of rule for MGPH vs squarefootage of grow room, or vs # of plants?


Active Member
The ozone will be on an out-take vent. It wont actually be releasing ozone into the grow room. It will be released back into the house, and outside. Mostly outside. back into the house from the transition from my air lock into the room. Kinda set up like a dark room for photo development if you get my drift.


New Member
Like everyone else, I tried everything to reduce odor. I tried the gels. I tried Ozone. The Ozone worked pretty well until I grew out a really stinky strain. I finally broke down and got a high quality carbon scrubber and hooked it up correctly. Problem solved. I have friends over all the time who have no clue that I grow ... and the grow is right in the next room from where they are sitting.
