Ozone generators?


New Member
does anybody have experience with one of these devices?
do they work all that great?
thanks in advance...:leaf:


they work great. I would only use it for a large grow. 20+ plants. They need fully sealed rooms. and make sure you properly vent them. Even a small air leak can cause a build up of poisinous gas to build up. But if set up properly they strip 100% of the smell. Very effecient for large scale rooms, not so much for 2 to 5 plants.it would be like installing a 100o watt light for two plants. ya know what i mean


New Member
awesome...i just wanted to make sure it wasnt hype
i had planned on having the ozone generator for the whole house,(or at least half of it)
thanks for ur input


yeah like i said they do create ozone. WHich is poisinous. Proper ventalations key. It turns the smelliest air into after rain smell. they blow carbon filters away. no way carbon can keep up with a ozone generator. do your research. its not as simple as plug and play. but its what the big dogs use. they do leave a distinct smell. and once you smell them you will alway know when you smell one. anouther reason venting is so important. but vented outside,,,, near impossible to know theres a large grow op just feet away. good luck man
i've started using one recently, works a treat, but be careful as inhaling too much ozone is really bad for you, as chewy said above.


Well-Known Member
I vent the ozone into my house... it tastes soo good with my cherioes mmmmmmmmmmmm

is it normal for walls to be moving?!?!?!?! what are all these dots floating in the air!?!?! you kno w ha ldt and te cow e wfid idllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


Well-Known Member
but seriously , Im interested in using an OG and my local store carries the ozone JR and uvon 1000 Im running 6 lights and my space is 30x 8 I need a big boy ozone generator


Active Member
does anybody have experience with one of these devices?
do they work all that great?
thanks in advance...:leaf:
try this
Perfect Odour Neutralizer

Well, thanks to 4free, my grow closet room is now odor free! Even the chemical smell of the hydro nutes is gone.

Anyway, here is a step-by-step tutorial showing what I did.

You will need:

1. A five gallon bucket
2. A "muffin" fan, or a round fan of some sort that has the motor built into the compact frame of the fan.
3. A drill
4. A one pound container of Soil Moist, which is a water absorbing crystal. You can find it at almost all nurseries and gorw shops.
5. ONA, or Odor Neutralizing Agent. YOu can get it at most grow shops or "baby" shops for new mommies.
6. A 5 gallong bucket lid, which may be option

https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/363271-low-smell-lowest-odor-auto.html with pic's


Well-Known Member
thanks poppa doc for the DIY but im afraid that might not be enough. if you could show some pics or the end result that would be cool too.
my question about these uvonairs,,, can you just put them in a room or do you have to put the inside your exhaust ducting, and if there in the do you have to use a cycle timer or let them run 24/7