P-91 (Alive, Dead, or Otherwise?)


Active Member
Does anybody have the info/real backstory on this strain? I heard the old story about it being named after the Poway class of '91, don't know if that's true or not. Also, curious about the genetics.

Only got my hands on it a few times in SD and always loved it.

Would be very interested to know if clones were available anywhere, or if the strain is doing one of it's notorious disappearances that I was told of...

Any info on this indo would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
I'll get details from my buddy later, but she is def still alive and kicking.. I can get her right now if i wanted..


Well-Known Member
i've smoked the real deal p-91 back in 2003 grown to it's fullest potential.

the nugs looked like it was dipped in sugar and had that marvelous soury/fruity taste to it that coated your mouth in it's flavor.

leaving an ounce of it sitting on your coffee table reeked the entire house... fucking ridiculous.

i have no idea on the status where's it's at right now -- but no doubt it's still out there... somebody has it.


Active Member
I'll get details from my buddy later, but she is def still alive and kicking.. I can get her right now if i wanted..

That's what's up. Do a little stoner-sleuthing for me if ya get the chance. Would be cool if your buddy had the lowdown on genetics, backstory, etc.

@PJ Diaz- Checked the site out and they do have it in stock. They look like they have a pretty cool selection, do you have any experience with them?


Well-Known Member
@PJ Diaz- Checked the site out and they do have it in stock. They look like they have a pretty cool selection, do you have any experience with them?
I've never seen it in stock at Cloneville, and I used to go there...Went there about 15 times in the span of a couple years.


Active Member
I've never seen it in stock at Cloneville, and I used to go there...Went there about 15 times in the span of a couple years.
Haven't been there, but their website lists P-91.

I'd like to hear from some people who might have a little local info on it to see if the g-13 lineage the site claims is true.